Orange County NC Website
9. Updates and Potential Discussion Topics -Orange County <br />a. Outdoor Advertising Billboards on Interstates (Orange County Planning & <br />Hillsborough) <br />Chair Jacobs said that this is part of their package to the legislative delegation. This came up <br />because the I-40 billboard ban had expired and someone asked what happened with <br />Hillsborough's standards because they were not the same as Orange County's standards. <br />Margaret Hauth said that she could not speak to whether the two ordinances agree, but their <br />ordinance prohibits off-premise signs. Their ordinance does not speak to I-40, but along I-85 <br />there is a 100-foot buffer where signs cannot be placed. There can be a text amendment to add <br />I-40 to this. She said that the off-premise sign prohibition puts an end to any sort of billboard. <br />b. Transportation Improvements (Orange County and Hillsborough) <br />Chair Jacobs said that Commissioner Gordon raised this issue that Hillsborough's highest <br />priority was not the same that the MPO had determined. <br />Craig Benedict said that both boards have submitted their priorities for this and the information <br />was pulled together through the MPO -attachment 6. South Churton Street congestion <br />management ranked high locally and regionally. The staffs will keep the boards informed about <br />these projects. He pointed out the rankings on the attachment. <br />Chair Jacobs said that one of the higher priorities in Caswell County is to make Hwy $6 four <br />lanes to I- 40. He said that they might be supportive of some kind of bypass through <br />Hillsborough. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he, Evelyn Lloyd, Mark Sheridan, and Chair Jacobs did good <br />work on the Orange Grove Road work group. He said that this had a strong impact on Doug <br />Galyon from NCDOT because it showed a united front. He encouraged future collaboration on <br />transportation issues. They are still working on getting the pedestrian and bike lanes on the <br />bridge next to Cedar Ridge High School. <br />Mayor Phelps asked about the US 70 upgrade. Craig Benedict said that the joint task force was <br />created and it is a primary criteria for funding a project through NCDOT. The County and <br />projects within Hillsborough received over $2 million worth of roadway improvements because <br />of the task force study about access management. One of the projects was shoulder widening <br />on US 70 Bypass. <br />Commissioner Lawen asked if the State provided any examples about their improvements. <br />Craig Benedict said that they can work with Chuck Edwards with DOT to ask him for updates on <br />construction. There will be a left turn lane at NC 86 and Old NC 10. <br />Chair Jacobs said that there will be a right turn lane at Oakdale turning south on Old 86 at the <br />Credit Union. The State will pay for most if not all of this. <br />Commissioner Hallman said that he saw an article saying that NCDOT was postponing projects <br />and consolidating projects into larger projects. <br />