Agenda - 02-27-2012 - C5
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-27-2012 - Quarterly Public Hearing
Agenda - 02-27-2012 - C5
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Last modified
6/18/2015 4:07:50 PM
Creation date
5/17/2012 3:04:46 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 02-27-2012
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4 <br />2. Analysis <br />Orange County has committed to installing over $4 million worth of sewer <br />infrastructure in the Buckhorn and Efland communities. This sewer system extension <br />benefits public health because it allows a reliable alternative to septic systems, many <br />of which are failing or in poor condition. The sewer system also provides the <br />potential for economic development in these areas because growth and development <br />will not be limited by the wastewater capacity of the soil. However, to remain a viable <br />enterprise, the sewer system must have customers. The areas where sewer lines <br />have been extended are designated as growth areas and are generally situated <br />along major roads. In terms of a long range plan to encourage growth in these <br />designated areas, it makes sense to phase out the existing septic systems by <br />requiring any new construction to use the sewer system and by requiring the sewer <br />system to be the only repair option for failing septic systems. This was also <br />recommended in the Efland- Mebane Small Area Plan, Section IV.A.3.c. <br />3. Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br />1.3.6. SERVICES AND FACILITIES <br />Water conservation efforts have been a critical piece in managing water <br />supplies through recent droughts. County level coordination is needed to <br />manage water resources that will serve future populations. Placing public <br />water and sewer facilities near areas targeted for dense development can <br />reinforce a more sustainable land use pattern. <br />Section 8.3 Services and Community Facilities Goal 1: <br />Efficient provisions of public water and sewer service systems <br />which are consistent with the Land Use Plan and which abide by <br />the current Water and Sewer Management Planning Boundary <br />Agreement, the existing Orange County - Chapel Hill - Carrboro <br />Joint Planning Agreement and Land Use Plan, and future <br />agreements to be negotiated among the County and public and <br />private service providers. <br />Section 8.3 Services and Community Facilities Goal 2: <br />Adequate, safe, and healthy groundwater withdrawal and <br />wastewater disposal systems with minimal impacts upon water <br />and land resources. <br />Section Objectives <br />Objective WW -2: <br />Coordinate the provision of potable water and sanitary sewer services <br />with the County's Land Use Plan and Orange County - Chapel Hill - <br />Carrboro Joint Planning Agreement and Land Use Plan, targeting <br />these services to urban, transitional, and economic development <br />districts in a manner that does not endanger environmental <br />resources. (See also Land Use Objective LU -1.1, Housing Objective H- <br />1.5, and Economic Development Objective ED- 2.10.) <br />4. New Statutes and Rules <br />2 <br />
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