Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> 44 Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br /> (G')-- All app'iGatiE)RS shall GGRtaiR a dernGRStFatiGR that the wireless supp <br /> GtFUGtHFe is sited se as to have the least visually 'RtFLISi ie effect <br /> reasonably possible and thereby have the least adverse +on <br /> effeo <br /> -c.�-rccrrr <br /> the e v t d its oh a ter on existing vegetation, and on-the <br /> r 'r! n® in the o of the tole n' at' f er <br /> (p) A statement, prepared by a prefessieRal engineer"Gensed in the State E) <br /> North Carolina BuMing Cede, and any aSSOGiated regulations; and <br /> deSGribes the tower'S GapaGity, induding an example of the n,-,,—,,I-e., <br /> type of antennas it Gan aeGommodate. <br /> (6) Standards of Evaluatoon <br /> (a) The teleGGRIMLARiGations eqLAiPM8Rt planned for the proposed wireless <br /> support StRJGtLAreS Gannot be aGOOmrnedated on an existing <br /> support StFUGtures due to one OF more of the following Fease <br /> The planned equipment would eXGeed the StFUGtUFal GapaG" <br /> existing and appreved wireless support&wGtwFes, GORs4eirJR9 <br /> existing and planned use of these wireless SUPPeFt StFUGWres <br /> d the wireless cU sport Stn ntHrev GaRRet he rv;nforoed to <br /> aGGGMmodate planned or equivalent equipment at a reasonable <br /> 89S�-. <br /> 1'\ The planner) equipment would oar ice rardin freq Iona <br /> 1 <br /> } rf .i4h ether existing or planner! equipment for these <br /> I npnrt Str o+i irec and the in+erferenoe cannot be <br /> 00 G f r annrn i A wireless 6i n n i art otr� ota gyres de not have <br /> spaGe on h'oh the equipment Gan be pl®oce-do so it ocan funrtion <br /> effeGtively and reaGGRably in paFity with similar existing or <br /> approved equipment. <br /> /' \ AI tower or ether suitable fao'lity exists in an area where the <br /> 8qUipMeRt to be plaGed en the tower will fIARGtien in its intended <br /> MaRRer. <br /> [)) <br /> Q.r��tor fa�terSs oGate, s4e_and eFeGt said faoil't'es <br /> ar.GeFding to the following priorities, in the following order: <br /> a. On existing County owned faGilities without iRGFeasiRg <br /> TTT'� �c�msrc�i�'m' <br /> the height of the to. or stn Gt ure <br /> b O i t' Faoilit'e wit hou t 'pore g the height of the <br /> tower or StRAGWre. <br /> A. On County owned properties or faGilities. <br /> d. On pFepeFties areas zoned for GommeFGiakef-�� <br /> use. <br /> e. On properF'ac 'n n.enc `-„nr! Anrin �It��ral Reci`dential <br /> (AR)-. <br /> f On n ert'e ed for res'den+'al� <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-106 <br />