Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities 43 <br /> te; — <br /> support strLIGtUre, such as lighting and GGIGFing. <br /> DFaft bond which will guaFantee the Fernoval of the wireless support <br /> period struGtWe on the event that it is abandoned OF unused for a of 12 <br /> months- <br /> 1,000 feet ef the paFGel and addressed, f'FSt GlaGG stamped eRvelopes te <br /> with Sectiens 2.7.5 and 2.7.6 of this Ordinances <br /> `h) A r pert GentaiRiRg any + Feceiyed by the applicant in Fespense <br /> EvmdenGe that the balloon test Feq&ernent has been met, inGluding a <br /> notarized statement and 106tiRg of the prepeFty owneFs notified of the test, <br /> c <br /> prepeFty and all n erties within the net'ficatien and c pies of the <br /> p,�.,t,...��y and u F,FvN�r <br /> Gertifled moil reti heed r ipts from the mail Gut-. <br /> .....��..... �...., i...u�e��.v �..v.°..Ncs from Trrarrvcrr. <br /> A Retarized statement that the Sign pesting FequiFement has been Fnet. <br /> IeGatoan to the maximum height of the tewer, as well as phetegFaphs with <br /> shE)WiRg what the pmpesed teweF will look like. Phetegraphs shall be <br /> taken from IGGatiens such a preperty Ines and/er nearh residential <br /> Gorr'deFs and other Iecatlens as deemed neon oar y by the Pla 'nn <br /> Staff to assess the visual impaot ef the pFeposed teweF. <br /> 0) The SpeGial Use Permit appliGatien shall inGlude a statement that the <br /> faGility and its equipment Will GGMPIY with all fedeFal, state and IGGal <br /> Analysis and a Visual addendum. Raced on the results of the A al the GGURty may require subFn'66ieR of a <br /> mere detailed visual analysts. The sGope of the required cn"irenmep+al <br /> and Visual Assessment will he reviewed at the pre applieatinn meeting. <br /> (n)if Fequhred,Visual himpac-trA6sessment, hiGh shall irnGlH � <br /> A "7ene of Visihil ty Map" shall he prey 'ded in order to determine <br /> !E)Gat*E)ns from WWGh the tower may be seen. <br /> P <br /> showing "WOFe and after" views iRGluding but � <br /> i <br /> State highways and ether majeF Feads; State and IeGal ; <br /> ether public lands; histeric districts• preserves and h' + 't <br /> the site Is Yfslhle to a IaFge RLAmbor ef vTa vrs, travelers-Of <br /> e <br /> r�r�� <br /> residents <br /> assessment 040 eefT h`v al impact l.f the w'r les suppwt <br /> structure ba � ad a e, w buildings fr abutting and <br /> and adiacept preperties and street hall be 'd d to p.determine the need of screeninn <br /> Orange County, North Carolina–Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-105 <br />