Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> 40 Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br /> f. The Inspections Division shall be notified in writing when <br /> a required analysis is complete. A copy of the analysis <br /> report shall be made available to the County Inspections <br /> Division upon request. That report shall also give details <br /> of the net result of any changes made to the tower or its <br /> appurtenances since the last inspection. <br /> (') Fees and Charges <br /> (a) A AiRg fee as set by the Board of County Commissioners shall be paid <br /> upon applieatien for a Building PeFfflit, Sate Plan approval or SpeGial Use <br /> PeFMit. in addition, an inspeGtion fee is due the County at the time of <br /> future inspeGtions. SUGh fees may refleGt the County's fully alleGat <br /> costs, el shall + d s, h nests <br /> fh\ P„hNn lone) or Fight <br /> separate instrument and reGorded prior to the iissuanGe ef Buel <br /> PeFrnitS. <br /> nn n4 of an n, # 'r+e n It t in ad an acid in orpn rate these <br /> GhaFges and fees into aR apploGatiGR fee that is based OR the reason <br /> Gonsultant shall not exGeed what is usual and GUGtGrnar��� <br /> faGilities and support structures. The foregoing does pFe";k;+f6- <br /> GGURty fFeM impesiRg additional reasonable GOst based fees for the <br /> app!'Gat;GR due to ameRdments or revisions to the original appliGati <br /> fee shall be separately ideRtified arid disGiesed to the appliGant—On <br /> PF40F to the formal submittal of an appkatiGR. The eSGFE)w aME)UR <br /> either the approval of the GeFtif*Gate of QGG61paRGY(GO), or the <br /> be Fetumed to the designated party <br /> Stan laMs fer SPOGial Use Dermifc 27- <br /> The eveFall Poky and desired geals for SpeGiakuse Permits for wireless <br /> wherever possible, the fall i _ <br /> (a) AlteFRatives to GeR6tFUGtiRg new wireless support struGtures, <br /> b, + t 1'm'+ d + the n In f n of wireless t I et' ns <br /> 26 Moved to a new central section of the code as part of the proposed re-formatting. <br /> 27 Moved to a new central section of the code. No modification of existing development standards were proposed <br /> for the Special Use Permit process other than the allowable height for each category(i.e.Class A versus Class B) <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-102 <br />