Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities 19 <br /> �/ ) If an antenna 's proposed to ho tta h d to -star tank, then in nrdc-r+o <br /> T mxn-arrscrrrrcr��pr�v�vvcazv-vccrcra vz iev rv�'a�®r acts cv��R, then i o�vc.rzv <br /> maintain then rren+ nrefile and height of the tank, the antenna mni eating on the <br /> top of the tank or the of a n ral shall only he permitted if the appl'gant Gan <br /> deFnE)RstFate that to IGGate elsewhere will pFohibit or have the effeGt Of pMhibiting <br /> the pFevisien of s <br /> (3) Se as to be the least visually iRtRlsive wireless SUPPeFt--tFHGtuFe FeaseRably <br /> -..eGt and GFeate the least <br /> iRtFUsive or lowest pFefile or visual silhouette reasonably possible, a4-a�a­& <br /> attaGhed to a tower or other strUGture shall be flush mounted or as near to flush <br /> mounted as is possible without pFohibiting OF having the effeGt of PFGh­�#e <br /> pp Fovision of seryiG as minimize the visual profile of the antennas or prove <br /> teE;hRiGally, with haFd data and a detailed naFrative, that flush MGURtiRg Gan Rot <br /> be used and Would seNe te pFehibit eF have the effeGt of pFehibitiRg the provision <br /> nv service. the appliGant shall demonstrate and provide in Miting and by <br /> (4) Unless the County deerns it inappFOPFiate Gr LARneGessaFy, given the facts and <br /> ' <br /> dFawiRg how it hall effectively buffer and sgreen from vi—ev i the has- and all <br /> to a height of ten feet. <br /> (5) The Wireless s part str Uofi re and a <br /> the use of building materials_ onlnrs and textures designed to blend with the <br /> + t to h' h it may he affixed and to harmop'z with the natirol <br /> r n dings This shall 'nol ude the ut'I'za+ion of stealth gamoi sflage or <br /> gopgealment technology <br /> (6) All utilities installed for a new wiFeless SUPPOFt StFUGtUFe shall be inst <br /> URdeFgFeuRd and in GGRIplianGe with all laws, eFdiRanGes, rules and FegulatieRs <br /> of the C } 'nGI din n s peg'f'oally but not limited to the National Flegtriaal <br /> Safety Code and the National F-mlerutrio;al Code wheFe appFGpFiate. <br /> (7) An aGGess Fead, turn around spaGe and paFkiRg shall be pFGvided to assure <br /> adequate „ergee}e{y� and se�+se-aGGess to the facility site. <br /> existing goads, whether public or nr'vate shall he made to the extent praGkahle <br /> Road GeR6tFWGti0R shall at all times MiRimdzegFeURd dif-41-WhApr-XQ ARd the Gutting <br /> Riinimal distuFbaRGe and FedHGe soil erosion and shall Gornply with any <br /> ('n n+ State egg la+ions for then nstrUntinn of reads if the o ent n eF <br /> as d } d at a site visit, then the A pplination shall onntain a GOMmitment by <br /> the appliGant to remedy OF Festere the read oF tum aFeuind spaGe so that it is <br /> se._„eyhle and safe and in _vmnlianoe w;th appligahle regu lath.iens <br /> 5.10.7 Antennas Not Located on Wireless Telecommunications Support Structures <br /> (A) General Standards <br /> (1) To minimize adverse visual impacts, stealth antenna types shall be preferred. If <br /> a non-stealth antenna is proposed, the application shall be required to <br /> demonstrate, in a technical manner acceptable to the Planning Director, why the <br /> stealth antenna (i.e. an antenna incorporated into the architecture of the building <br /> or fully screened from view from sight proximate to the antenna)cannot be used <br /> for the particular application. This does not preclude a combination of the <br /> various types of antennas. <br /> (2) Antenna dimensions shall be subject to approval by the Planning Director. A <br /> statement shall be submitted, prepared by a professional engineer competent to <br /> evaluate antenna choices, to certify the technical need for the required <br /> dimensions. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina-Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-81 <br />