Orange County NC Website
18 Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities <br /> the serviee type and seFViGe coverage needed primarily within the County. Gh <br /> dOGUrrientation shall inGlude a propagation study of the proposed site and all <br /> adjoining Planned, Proposed or existing sites, that demonstrates a signifiGant gap <br /> in Goverage and/or, of a capaGity issue is involved, to OnGlude an analysis-ef-the <br /> GuFFent and pFGjeGted usage (traffiG studies) USiRg generally aGGepted industry <br /> methods and stand—ards se as to nengl„s; I Prove the Reed fe what-is <br /> ffeP°� <br /> (3) All of the modeling information used to produce the propagation studie-&, <br /> inGluding, but not limited to any assumptions rnade about ambient tree height; <br /> (4) A GOPY of the FCC IlGense appliGable for the intended use of the faGility, as well <br /> as a GOPY of the five and ten year build out plan required by the FCC-,- <br /> (6) The fFequenGy, modulation and Glass of seR�iGe of radio or ether tFaRSMittiRg <br /> equipmen-t, <br /> (6) The maximum transmission power oapability of all radies, as designed, if the <br /> pUGant is a gelh,lar or fi ngtional equivalent Barrier, or them , m <br /> transmiOC'n power pahiN rd <br /> fir as es' rd e of all transmission fagili+'es if the <br /> appligan+is net a ellular or fi,ngt'onal equivalent Barrier; <br /> (7) The antual intended transmv Wv. statuncd as the maximum m ff +' e <br /> r.�.rr v�.r �rrczcrvc all neGessaFy GGntaGt;RfqrMat'GR of the <br /> radiated power (ERR), both -..d watts; <br /> (9) The legal p _ g address, phone the appkat'o name, number, <br /> mni <br /> The Rame, address, phone number, and all neGessaFy G9RtaGt infOFMation Of the <br /> (11) The pe6tal address, tax map MOGk and lot person li <br /> i and paFGel <br /> number, <br /> number of the preperfir• <br /> (12) A Gogh of the FGG linense appl'sahle for the intended ,of the fagiGt)e�T <br /> 13 The Zoning D' tr' +and Watershed lair ' high the rt y ' 't, ted; <br /> cvi�rr-r��i�crTV- ' rvncc��n��+�uy--ni-=vii-rrcn�cT.�ro�cri�T.srrcucra cca, <br /> 14 A% -The area of the property on which the str G+,,rn to be ++aGhed to ' Igna+ d1 <br /> stated both in square foot and a and perimeter let lino dimensions and a <br /> survey showing the leGation of all let lines, metes and bounds, and <br /> easeMeiltS; and <br /> (6] The Ienatien d height f all 'sting and onosed tr„nfi,res n the <br /> `. fir,The onueeareTi�r�--crre <br /> preperty ep whiGh thzrrc StFUGtUre iG106atedand that is the s h'en+of+ho <br /> Ate; <br /> in order to prGteGt the RatuFe and GhaFaGter of the GE)MMURity wherein the far-.ili <br /> is proposer-1 and in ender to n ea}e the least visually intrusive ant r ahl,r <br /> 'hle tonnes }}ash meet}o a building Cher to,s+ with a fagie <br /> possT'vre,--.., antenna attaGh rnT or other �� Gic <br /> shall be MOURted on the faGie, Unless it Gan be prGyen that GHGh attaGhMeRt Will <br /> prohibit or have the e#eGt of pFeh;bitiRg the PFGViSiGR of wireless sep'�;Ge and all <br /> antenna a+taghmen+s and exposed nahl'n shall , n flags stea <br /> l+h <br /> teGhRiques to MatGh as Glesely as possible the GelGF and texture of the building GF <br /> ether s+r,,sture <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-80 <br />