Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.10: Standards for Telecommunication Facilities 17 <br /> (16) if the mQdif!r--,a#iE)n eF antenna aFray GGll9Gat!E)R is 30 feet E)F FnE)Fe above gFeund <br /> level, then a signed dGGUmeRt GUGh as the FCC's"GheGklist to DeteFMiRe <br /> pmvided to verify that the modifiGation or antenna aFray Ge !GGafion will fully <br /> toof a QII'Irline Dermi+ <br /> (16) if any seGtiGR oF pE)Ftion of the StFUGtLIFe to be attaGhed to is net in GE)rnp4an-Ge <br /> excess of the FGG' lat' and be marked eff with yellow and b!aGk striped <br /> WaFn*Rg tape er a suitable waming barFier, as well as PIaGiRg RF Fadiation signs <br /> as needed and appropriate to waFn individuals of the potential daRger� <br /> (17) A signed statement that the appliGant will expeditiously remedy any phySiGal OF <br /> that pFeve that the wiFeless SUPPeFt StFUGtUFe and its foundation as pFepesed to <br /> -ho i-4;I0;zPtj are designed and 14GIG Gonc7TrUGted to meerall-Gean#y, -tate, federal <br /> defend,and ANSI StFUGtUFal reqWiFerneRtS fOF leads, inGluding Wind and iGe leads and the <br /> plaGernent of any equipment GR the roof a building afteF the addition of the <br /> shall require the applicant, to the extent peFMitted by law, to at all ti s <br /> penalties,iRdeMRify, pFE)teGt, save, hold haFMIess, and exempt the County, and its Gff;Gers, <br /> fFGM any and all damages, <br /> I "ms suits, demands, Gauses of a t'nn award of damages whether WhiGh might arise out ef, or are Gaused by the nlonemen+ n ll <br /> nstro+inn <br /> erection, modification IE)Ga}I ^ <br /> °on perf��anGe_use, ere+'on ain+enenre <br /> of damages as may be attFibutable to the negligent or iRteRtiGRal aG <br /> ornissieRs of the County, or its seFvants eF ageRtS. With respeGt to the penalties, <br /> � � <br /> damages ha efe erd heFein, osnnehle attorneys' fees _Gnn , Itonts OF fees, <br /> and o rt witness fees are inch cd de in these nnsts that the/ten my n <br /> r an <br /> reeever. Notwithstanding the requ+remeflts neted above an iRdeMRifiGat'qR <br /> PFGViSiGR Will not be __--_Feld in these instannes urhere the County itself-innl's <br /> fn d seGUFes a C al Use Derma}fnr a wiFeless fanility. <br /> (G) Asdedi"---+1 Iequ i.r-ments <br /> building PeFrnits to att2Gh the fiFst antenna to an approv-4 wi,eless support struGture shall <br /> also PFOVide the felle <br /> I <br /> ne', f-, ajar eel„ ' h ding and explaining the ar se for the faEilit sz'^ <br /> as GGverage°-'a°^,r�G�cprc '7 Irnr^�--rcic.rr,g cnF' Q � � �,- <br /> r♦/e nity, tenhn'nel requirements, and the identi <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-79 <br />