Minutes - 20040316
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040316
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Last modified
8/14/2008 3:31:29 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:20:14 PM
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Agenda - 03-16-2004-
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DEFERRED <br />b. Southern Orange Senior Center Location on Southern Human Services Center Site <br />The Board was to consider approving a building footprint on the Southern Human Services Center site <br />far the Southern Orange Senior Center. <br />DEFERRED <br />c. Site Plan -Efland Cheeks Park (Phase 111 <br />The Board considered approving the submittal of a site plan for Phase II of Efland Cheeks Park and <br />authorizing staff to submit the site plan for approval. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about funding and where the extra funds are coming from. She <br />suggested trying something else besides the School Park Reserve Fund. Environment and Resource <br />Conservation Director Dave Stancil said that there are mare funds and that this does not have to be decided <br />until the contract phase. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested payment-in-lieu funds. Geof Gledhill said that there is a problem with using <br />this money for the construction of facilities on property. The money is supposed to be used for purchasing <br />land and for land development, but not building facilities. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested deferring decision on any additional expenditures until they are incurred <br />and have the staff came back with a proposal. The Board agreed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to authorize <br />staff to submit the site plan for approval. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Bid Award (Contract Approval and Funding Options for Little River Regional Park, Phase I <br />The Board considered awarding a bid and approving a contract to Romeo Guest, Inc. in an amount <br />not to exceed $706,166 for construction of the major elements of Little River Park; and to propose a funding <br />plan for Phase I of Little River Regional Park and Natural Area, a joint project of Orange County, Durham <br />County, Triangle Land Conservancy and the Eno River Association; approve the expenditure of an <br />additional $272,000 to cover costs associated with the completion of the Little River Park development; and <br />direct staff to include this amount in the updated five-year plan for the issuance of County bonds and <br />alternative financing, to be presented during a BOCC meeting later this spring. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that the bid amount is $706,166. She <br />made reference to the project summary on page three and the amounts there are more than the bid award. <br />There are other items that are elements of the park development but are outside of the bid amount. This <br />includes nature trail improvements, stabilization of the houses, etc. The total amount of the project <br />estimated is $965,966. There is $312,000 in grants for this. This leaves the total unfunded amount <br />$653,966. This is shared equally with Durham County, so Orange County needs to come up with <br />$326,983. The County has approved $40,000 from payment-in-lieu funds and $15,000 in the Hazard <br />Mitigation funds. This leaves an amount of $272,000 that is yet to be funded. Staff is recommending that it <br />be included an the debt issuance scheduled for the spring. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she is leery of the additional debt financing for this and she would <br />like to stick within the budget. <br />John Link said that it is a matter of what the Board's priorities are as it relates to this project. He said <br />that there is capacity to be able to include this without great stress an the total budget plan. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this is a new experience for them to develop a park with another county and <br />he thinks that this is a bargain for Orange County. He thinks this is a reasonable amount. <br />Commissioner Brown said that there is a list of all of the elements that would go into the park and <br />she wants to see that. She said that she is supportive of this and will vote for this. She thinks that <br />Durham's priorities seem to get well considered and funded and she wants to see ours funded also. <br />Commissioner Brown asked Pam Jones about when they built the picnic shelter far the Efland- <br />Cheeks Park and how much it cost and if it was similar to this one. Pam Jones said that it was around $15- <br />17,000. <br />
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