Minutes - 20040316
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040316
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Last modified
8/14/2008 3:31:29 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:20:14 PM
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Agenda - 03-16-2004-
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The other new items included are to ask for support for counties to collect an additional 5% on <br />court costs to help fund capital, operational, and other needs associated with judicial activities. Also, the <br />Register of Deeds is requesting help with transferring mortgages, which has been increasing. There are <br />presently no fees associated with this. This legislation would propose a fee for this. He hopes this fee <br />would be paid by the lenders rather than the homeowners. <br />Other issues include eldercare and inclusion of a definition of adequate shelter for animals. <br />Geof Gledhill said that no other county does as much as Orange County does for their legislators <br />in this respect. <br />Geof Gledhill said that in the abstract it makes reference to the State's Public Health Task Force <br />and it would be better for the County to review the task farce recommendations and then provide <br />comments. Also, there may be some child welfare issues that arise, but it is too early to discuss at this <br />time. <br />Finally, there was a packet of information (purple) for funding requests from the federal <br />government: the Northern Human Services Center wastewater treatment and disposal system, water and <br />sewer infrastructure needs in the Efland area, public safety and communications upgrade, section 8 <br />housing, EFNEP/Breastfeeding program, federal tobacco quota buy-out, and bio-solids disposal. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they lumped together the cigarette and alcohol taxes and the monies from <br />the tobacco tax are recommended to go towards farmland preservation. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the section 8 housing and said that at the HUD <br />meetings she went to, they were saying that the County should be the participator with for-profit groups. <br />She would like to add this piece to the legislation to increase section 8 housing because it is an easy way to <br />increase accessibility of affordable housing for those that need it. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Nancy Halt thanked the County Commissioners for serving Orange County. She distributed a <br />handout. She said that her section of Orange County has reported illnesses from Class B land applied <br />sludge from the City of Burlington. She said that they have been dealing with the EPA and other agencies <br />and the bottom line is it is a federal program with state regulations and no local control. She said that the <br />people in the County need to be able to control the land applied sewage sludge in Orange County. She <br />was surprised to learn that Orange County was one of the top five in the state. She said that there need to <br />be regulations in place instead of adhering to the EPA standards. She referred to her handout, which listed <br />six things that they (Orange County Concerned Citizens) request from the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Brooke Johnson said that he would like to give his and his wife's support far the resolution on the <br />Orange County/Chatham County boundary line and he thanks them for sending the letter to Chatham <br />County. He spoke with the Chatham County Manager, Charlie Horn, today who said that their staff included <br />this in their discussion with their Board of County Commissioners and they agreed to leave things the way <br />the two counties agreed in April 2003, or "leave things as they are for ten years." He said that he did not <br />think that Orange County agreed to this new resolution. The Manager told him that it was his understanding <br />that the two counties did agree and that it was a new resolution. He asked the Manager to send a copy of <br />the resolution to him, John Link, and Geof Gledhill. So far, the Manager has not sent this resolution. He <br />said that this plan is unacceptable to the property owners and penalizes them for choosing to stay in <br />Orange County by causing them to pay higher taxes while not benefiting from the increased market value of <br />owning an Orange County property, and denies them the right to seek a refund for the previous five years of <br />incorrectly billed taxes. They also have a legal problem with selling the properly. He said that it is unfair <br />and unjust and totally contrary to the intent of the original resolution. He gave some history of the original <br />resolution in 1989. He said that they think the best solution now is for the Managers, the County Attorneys, <br />the County Board Chairs, Rod Visser, and perhaps a good investigative reporter to meet as soon as <br />possible to resolve this issue. <br />Ben Neimitz said that he is the other property owner and he wants to reiterate what Brooke <br />Johnson said. They want to support the bubble for their properties and they believe that this would be an <br />equitable solution. He is confounded by the resistance on the part of Chatham County. He leaves this to <br />the Board of County Commissioners to work this out with Chatham County. <br />
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