Minutes - 20040316
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040316
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Last modified
8/14/2008 3:31:29 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:20:14 PM
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Agenda - 03-16-2004-
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Department of Commerce developed the Job Links Career system. The Orange County Skills Development <br />Center located on Franklin Street is a chartered Job Link Career Center offering employment training and <br />employer services under one roof. She said that the report on pages 15-18 highlights the services and <br />collaboration that exist at this center. <br />In closing, the Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board would like to thank the <br />Board of County Commissioners far their support and their proactive efforts in the development of the Skills <br />Development Center in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the management and care of the center has made it the success <br />that it is. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if they perceived that having an Orange County site for Durham Tech would <br />affect the workforce development efforts in Orange County. Gwen Price said that they see this as a good <br />opportunity to expand training efforts in Orange County. <br />7. Public Hearings <br />a. Orange County's 2004 Legislative Agenda <br />Geof Gledhill said that every year the Board of County Commissioners considers resolutions to <br />pass on to the legislative delegation. He said that in the last year and again this year, the Board is pursuing <br />lobbying the federal representative for projects in Orange County where funding may be available. <br />The first resolution {green) relates to a tax on the impact of land development in Orange County. <br />A bill was created in the 198Q's and it ran into opposition from the Home Builder's Association. Orange <br />County has not given up an the notion of getting authority from the General Assembly to levy an impact tax <br />on land development for the purpose of generating money for school capital needs. This resolution would <br />have the County do this again. There continues to be resistance from the Home Builder's Association with <br />respect to the impact tax. The impact tax would be more flexible than the impact fee. <br />The second resolution relates to mental health reform. There is an effort to come up with a <br />Local Management Entity (LME} for Orange, Person, and Chatham Counties. The LME will operate the <br />mental health system in Orange County. Orange County is a member of the OPC Mental Health Authority <br />and this legislation will provide the opportunity for the OPC Authority and the joint undertaking of the three <br />governments to operate simultaneously for same period of time during the transition period. He said that <br />there is a black line that is drawn between the end of the old way of doing things and the new way of doing <br />things. This will be a statewide bill, but it will only directly impact few counties in the state that are moving <br />from an area of authority into some other mental health arrangement under the reform legislation. <br />The third resolution {pink} is in reference to the dispute of the Orange County and Chatham <br />County boundary. At the request of the State office that has monumented the boundary that was agreed <br />upon by the two counties in the late 80's, the manumenting organization in the State government has asked <br />Orange and Chatham Counties to get the General Assembly to bless the monumented line. It is overlaid by <br />an unresolved issue having to do with the resolution that was adopted by the two counties in the late 8Q's <br />that dealt with properties that were located in one county, but wanted to continue to be treated as though <br />they were in another county. There is a disagreement between Orange County and Chatham County as to <br />what the intent of the agreement was. There has been some discussion at the staff level and it is now at <br />the Board level about how to resolve the difference of opinion. Exhibit A is a bill to permanently record the <br />monumenting of the line. In bold print, there are bubbles for the areas where people live in Chatham <br />County but would like to live in Orange County. <br />The fourth resolution (orange} is Orange County initiatives, which are similar to the ones that <br />were sent last year. He reviewed these items. <br />The next grouping is the solid waste and reducing the amount of solid waste and asking the <br />legislators to support legislation that would make the State play a greater role in the recycling efforts {i.e., <br />bottle deposit legislation, advanced recycling fees, and support recycling and disposal of white goods}. <br />There are new initiatives in the "other" category, one of which is to support the Mental Health <br />Treatment Court Pilot Bill. This is a good way of diverting people from the court system and treating them <br />with mental health help and not as criminals. <br />
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