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Larry Wright said that he is concerned that if someone wants to infiltrate and put some <br /> sort of vegetation or buffer to protect a neighbor. Glenn Bowles said that this would be <br /> permitted. <br /> Commissioner Foushee asked that clarification be added regarding the vegetation that <br /> could be added. Glenn Bowles said that clarification would be added. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if there were any facilities on the racetrack property in <br /> which part of the facilities themselves is less than 200 feet from the property line. It was <br /> answered yes. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked how this would be mitigated. Glenn Bowles said that they <br /> would be innovative with the developer to see what could be done. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he wants to address this issue. Glenn Bowles said that <br /> he would bring something forward. <br /> Commissioner McKee made reference to the requirement of mufflers and said that this <br /> would be very restrictive to this site. He said that Orange County sometimes makes it so hard <br /> for other uses that it will be a hindrance to economic development. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he worked on this plan and the group worked very hard <br /> to strike a balance between development and rural life. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to item J and a litter collection system. He <br /> suggested it say, "a litter and recycling collection system." <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 7 and the goals that were put forward. <br /> Goal #7 says, "the creation of additional parkland within the study area shall be encouraged." <br /> He said that that he recalls that the proposal from the Atica Company was that all of the facilities <br /> would be given to Durham. The recommendation was specifically that it be negotiated that <br /> Orange County have an equal part of those facilities and that is not reflected here. He said that <br /> there was also a conversation that the County specifically did not want an asphalt plant. That <br /> does not seem to be indicated here. <br /> Glenn Bowles said that any new development would need to meet air quality standards, <br /> which would inhibit an asphalt plant. Regarding the parkland, he said that the goal was to get a <br /> placeholder there and work out the percentages later. <br /> Michael Harvey said that this additional zoning district is intended to provide existing <br /> non-conforming land uses a pathway to compliance. <br /> The additional Planning Board member arrived—Johnny Randall. <br /> Michael Harvey said that what he is hearing from the Board is that it wants the staff to <br /> take the proposed regulations, apply it to the speedway and ascertain whether there are <br /> problematic areas and identify potential solutions, and allow the Board to see the impact. Also, <br /> to identify where there could be methods where we could modify what is being proposed to <br /> address a real life scenario and at the same time, encourage any new development to insure it <br /> will not have a negative impact on adjacent property. <br /> The Board agreed. <br /> Discussion ensued on whether the property owners were notified of this meeting. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be <br /> returned to the BOCC in time for the May 1, 2012 BOCC regular meeting. <br /> An amendment was made by Commissioner McKee to include Michael Harvey's <br /> comments: <br />