Orange County NC Website
3. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation <br />Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) <br />TAC are going to be talking about improved regional cooperation. A subcommittee will meet <br />tomorrow at the COG offices to talk about this improved regional cooperation. There is going to <br />be a transportation summit with all of the members of CAMPO and DCHC on March 31st now <br />scheduled from 2:00 to 5:00. She will notify the County Commissioners of the place of this <br />summit. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the TAC far the DCHC will have a meeting an March <br />10t" at 7:00 p.m. at Durham City Hall in Council Chambers for a public hearing on the regional <br />priority list. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the TAC members from Orange County would meet with <br />Doug Galyon, BOT Member for Division 7, to discuss the Orange County items an the <br />Transportation Improvement Program. The meeting will be in Raleigh on March 30t" <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the TTA and the TAC are continuing to discuss Phase II <br />regional rail and transit projects. <br />Chair Jacobs arrived at 7:55 p.m. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the Board appointed him to be the Board of County <br />Commissioners' member an the animal shelter operations task force and the group has worked <br />diligently and they are dedicated to this process. The first set of recommendations they will be <br />making revolve around the governance and structure far the shelter and they will have a public <br />listening session on March 17t" at 7:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center on <br />Homestead Road. After the public listening session, the task force will meet again and finalize <br />their recommendations. They will be advertising the listening session with flyers and they will <br />send flyers to veterinary offices, pet supply outlets, the media, and radio outlets. <br />The listening session will be videotaped by The Peoples Channel and it can be seen at <br />a later date. The public can get information about this task force on the County's website: <br /> There is also an email address for comments: <br /> <br />Commissioner Carey said that there are five Commissioners that serve an a public <br />health task force that was appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human <br />Services. The task force grew out of a bill that was passed in the Senate, but it was not passed <br />in the House. It called for a restructuring of public health in the State. The recommendations <br />have been finalized. He distributed a copy to the Board. This group will have three public <br />sessions -one in Greeneville on March 4`", Asheville on March 10t", and Winston-Salem on <br />March 11t". All will be held from 1:00-4:00 p.m. He plans to go to one of them and make some <br />comments. The recommendations will have significant implications for county government and <br />the NCACC will weigh in on this. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the State of the Economy Breakfast is on March 9`" at 7:15 a.m. <br />at the Carolina Club. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he gave the Clerk some information on some regional efforts <br />regarding air quality. The County is going to be invited to participate or endorse some <br />alternatives to anticipate some efforts that the State might mandate with EPA. There will be a <br />packet of information coming soon. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Commissioner Gordon about something he read about the MPO <br />and that it is considering changing its boundaries to take in more of Orange County. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she could not speak to this because they have not made any <br />proposals. Chair Jacobs asked her to find out more information about this for the <br />Commissioners. <br />4. County Manager's Report <br />