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Commissioner Halkiotis said that there has been a very successful landscape mixed <br />business going on at Calvander for a long time and there is no grinding. The school <br />system buys mulch from the owner and no one has complained about what he does. He <br />said that linking composting with grinding is opening up a big issue. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there may be some differentiation within a category and <br />some of the definitions may need to be changed. She gave an example of greenhouses <br />and how they can be two stories tall and lights may be on late in the night. <br />Geof Gledhill said that greenhouse farming has been recognized by the courts as being <br />exempt from zoning. This is why it is in that category. It cannot be regulated. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked if someone wanted to put in a greenhouse anywhere in the <br />County would it be a bona fide farm. She asked staff to research this. <br />Geof Gledhill said that a bona fide farm could be as little as 3/-0 of an acre. There is no <br />size limit. There are size and income limits with respect to tax use value. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked Geof Gledhill to review the statute and see what it says <br />regarding someone who just wants to have a greenhouse and if that would be a farm. <br />Geof Gledhill said that if someone has a greenhouse that they use for their own <br />collection, this does not have anything to do with a bona fide farm. It would be part of a <br />residential use of their property. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked how it would be regulated if it is not a farm. <br />Craig Benedict said that he will research this. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to "being identified by local farm agency <br />personnel." She would like to have an elevated level of defining what this is. She thinks <br />there needs to be some kind of process. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the rural buffer and how to handle this. She <br />said that it seems there is some urgency in getting something "passed" so that it will not <br />be so difficult to do some of these things in agricultural situations. She would like to <br />separate out the rural buffer and have a conversation with Chapel Hill and Carrbaro <br />before it is sent around about farming and operations in the rural buffer. She would like <br />to get a group together to talk about it. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the permit being subject to review and <br />comments from animal control and said that she does not think that animal control would <br />have anything to do with something like this. Tina Moon said that this is standard now <br />with kennels and riding stables/academies. This can be taken out. <br />Commissioner Brown would like to see what they use for commenting and reviewing. <br />She said that there is a lot of expertise involved and animal control is not trained to <br />comment on this. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if there was another section that would include things <br />besides animals, like home occupation. Tina Moan answered that there was not yet, but <br />