Orange County NC Website
01/31 /2001 10:58 9199187346 <br />ZONING &INSPECTIONS <br />field and related amenities for joint use are developed at the School Site <br />the construction of the Smith Middle School; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Education, the County and the Town have r <br />for additional public athletic fields, and particularly soccer fields, that can be <br />governmental and private organizations to program and expand recreational i <br />area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Education, the County and the Town agree that <br />of the recreational fields and parking lots at the Chapel Hill High School, Seawel <br />School and Smith Middle School would benefit the citizens of Carrboro and Orange <br />WHEREAS, the laws of the State of North Carolina provide that the parties hereto <br />and agree, each with the other, for the joint use of facilities for the stated public purl <br />WHEREAS, in furtherance of the aforesaid, the parties hereto do propose to contra <br />for a period of thirty (30) years, to jointly use and mutually operate recreation <br />appurtenant facilities all of which are to be constructed by the Hoard of Educ <br />School Site; and <br />WHEREAS, the implementation of this Agreement would fulfill substant <br />Education, County and Town needs, and be of significant mutual benefit to the <br />PAGE 03 <br />4 <br />ineously with <br />zed the need <br />available for <br />wities in the <br />nmunity use <br />Elementary <br />County; and <br />nay contract <br />oses; and <br />ct and agree <br />1 fields and <br />tion on the <br />al Board of <br />rties hereto, <br />and to the public generally; <br />WHEREAS, it is understood by the parties that the land on which the cific fields <br />referred to herein are to be located is owned by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill <br />and is State property, that the land on which the fields referred to herein are to <br />leased to the Orange County Commissioners for the specific purpose of providing a <br />for the School Site, and that all agreements between the parties will be subject to t <br />lease agreements and rights of the State of North Carolina and the University of <br />at Chapel Hill but in no event shall the County's and the Town's access to the <br />2 <br />located is <br />itional land <br />underlying <br />th Carolina <br />occer field <br />