Orange County NC Website
n. Grant Request from Duke Health Community Care, Inc. to Assist in Purchase of <br />Emergency Generator <br />The Board considered approving grant funding in the amount of $10,000 from the <br />Human Services Safety Net reserve to assist in the purchase of an emergency generator for the <br />Duke Community Hospice Inpatient Care facility located in the Meadowland business park, <br />Hillsborough. <br />Commissioner Brown that it would be important to communicate with the Board of <br />Directors so that they know that the $10,000 is an agreement that the facility would be available <br />to citizens in the event of an emergency. She would like to put this in writing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiatis to <br />authorize the allocation of $10,000 from the Human Services Safety Net reserve to Duke Health <br />Community Care to assist in the purchase of an emergency generator for the hospice facility <br />located in Hillsborough. This also includes the understanding that, if there were space, the <br />facility would be available for Orange County citizens in the event of an emergency. The <br />Manager will write a letter to the Board of Directors of Duke Health Community Care. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. <br />The Board considered acceptance of a State pass-through grant allocation of federal <br />Homeland Security funds in the amount of $363,908 to reimburse Orange County for the <br />purchase of equipment associated with homeland security activities of the County, its <br />municipalities, and the University; authorizing the Manager to sign the Memorandum of <br />Agreement; authorizing the Manager to sign the Assurances of Participation; authorizing the <br />Manager to identify Nick Waters, Director of Emergency Management, as the Designated Agent <br />under Annex B; and authorizing the Manager to identify Eric Griffin, Emergency Management <br />Specialist, as the Point of Contact under Annex B. <br />John Link explained this State pass through grant in the amount of $363,000. The <br />decision on how the money will be used is still being addressed. They are just asking that the <br />Board accept receipt of the grant and the staff will come back on how it will be used. <br />Commissioner Brown said that EMS Director Nick Waters did a report on what the <br />County needed in terms of emergencies. She recalls that the piece that they really needed was <br />communication and how to match up the County's system with the systems of the Towns. She <br />asked if this grant covers this. She also asked why the group would choose to buy gas masks. <br />Nick Waters said that there are three grants talked about in the abstract and the gas masks <br />were bought out of the first grant. There is a lot of interest in the committee that this grant be <br />used to buy compatible radios and to spend money on communication needs. <br />Commissioner Brown said that this would be her priority. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey <br />to accept the allocation award, authorize the Manager to sign the Memorandum of Agreement; <br />authorize the Manager to sign the Assurances of Participation; authorize the Manager to identify <br />Nick Waters, Director of Emergency Management, as the Designated Agent under Annex B; <br />and authorize the Manager to identify Eric Griffin, Emergency Management Specialist, as the <br />Point of Contact under Annex B. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Soccer Superfund -Policy and Guidelines <br />