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The Board considered Planning Board and Administration recommendations, closing the <br />Public Hearing and making a decision on the proposed Telecommunication Towers <br />amendments to Article 6.18 and Article $.8.17a of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to pages 4 and 16. She wants to understand the <br />changes to the Master Telecommunications Plan and why general zoning approval was deleted. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said that on page 4, there is the definition that will explain <br />what one can do in the future, and it is only a placeholder. This definition was in there <br />previously, but there was not an adoption of a plan that would activate the use of it. <br />On page 16, it explains how the MTP would work in a future process. They hope to <br />have it as a prioritization mechanism in the future. Commissioner Gordon asked about the <br />statement, "that have received zoning approval from the County Commissioners" and why this <br />was taken out. Craig Benedict said that this could have invoked apre-zoned property for <br />allowing towers. They thought this might be too liberal at this point. <br />County Attorney Geof Gledhill said that this is also redundant in that the plan when <br />developed will not place an it sites that are not properly zoned far towers. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the all-bold part, "Information that may be shown on <br />the plan will include...," and asked if this information is to be shown if it is applicable. She said <br />that it should say, "Information to be shown on the plan will include..." Craig Benedict said that <br />it would be a determination of the County Commissioners about which sites of a natural area <br />may be assigned and which sites may not be assigned. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this appears to be very confusing to her. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he feels fine with this. He asked if there was a definition of a <br />scenic corridor in Orange County regulations. Craig Benedict said that the comprehensive plan <br />has some definitions. <br />Chair Jacobs said that if they are going to take this to public hearing in May, he wants to <br />be sure that there is some data about bird migratory patterns. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the proposed amendments. <br />VOTE: UNANMOUS <br />I. Schools Class A Special Use Permit Amendments <br />The Board considered Planning Board and Administration recommendations, closing the <br />public Hearing and considered approval of a proposed amendment to the Orange County <br />Zoning Ordinance to make Schools: Elementary, Middle, and Secondary - a Class A Special <br />Use in appropriate zoning districts and to apply special use permit standards that meet the <br />general standards, zoning district requirements and similar standards as detailed in Section <br />8.8.29 ("Growth Management Subdivision Standards") of the Zoning Ordinance. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked far clarification about the Administration's approval. She <br />also asked about the significance of the storm water management issue on page two. Craig <br />Benedict said that during their conversation with the Planning Board, the original submittal <br />talked about cone-year 24-hour storm, which is an intensity storm that happens on a regular <br />basis. The Planning Board asked the staff to investigate other portions of the regulations to see <br />the most restrictive standard. They found out that aten-year 24-hour storm is a higher intensity <br />storm, and the Planning Board suggested that the standards meet this higher rainfall event. <br />Craig Benedict said, in reference to the recommendation, the intent is that the Planning <br />Board asked for a few changes that the Administration agreed with, and then some of the other <br />highlighted changes were suggested by Administrative staff about the wording. These changes <br />were after the Planning Board reviewed it. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the attached ordinance consistent with the Planning Board recommendation including <br />additional changes by the Administration. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />