Minutes - 20040131
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040131
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other staff people have been doing. He made reference to the memo from Pam Janes, <br />indicating what a construction management person or firm would do. <br />Pam Jones explained her memo, which is in the notebook (page 1, Fiscal Matters}. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the last time they tried to look at this they went down <br />too many roads. His proposal would be to stay away from firms. He would like to use one <br />person, and the person should be a resident in Orange County. The person should also have a <br />contractor's license. The person should work directly with Pam Jones and the Board should get <br />periodic updates on the projects. He said that the person should be a stakeholder and really <br />care about Orange County. <br />Commissioner Brown asked how this person would relate to John Link and Pam Jones. <br />John Link said that Pam Jones works directly for him and this person would work directly with <br />Pam Jones. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the experience for the number of projects one person <br />could handle atone time. Pam Jones said that the timing of the County's projects would go well <br />with a single position. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that a good Construction Manager could handle three to <br />four projects at one time. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he hopes that Commissioner Halkiotis would be involved. He <br />said that if Commissioner Halkiotis were not a County Commissioner, he would like to hire him <br />for this position because he has experience with this kind of effort. He would like Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to be involved in the selection of this person. He asked if there would be sufficient <br />candidates within Orange County. Pam Jones would like same latitude on this in advertising <br />and she will research how to do this for preference. <br />Commissioner Brawn asked if this would be an independent contractor and if they would <br />take care of their own health insurance. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that there are companies in North Carolina that have these <br />people on board and we could solicit information from the NCACC to see how other counties <br />choose a construction manager. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would be glad to help Commissioner Halkiotis on the <br />selection process. <br />Jahn Link asked if the Board was happy with the outline. The Board agreed. <br />Commissioner Carey verified that this is just far County projects. <br />STANDARDS FOR FUNDING NONGOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES <br />Chair Jacobs said that this came up after some discussion on October 27, 2443 of APS <br />and what strings should be attached as far as public accessibility to records, hiring practices, <br />living wage, affirmative hiring, etc. He said that the Red Cross is selling its building for which <br />the County contributed capital funds. The Board should discuss the possibility of whether the <br />County should differentiate capital funds from other funds. Staff can come back with some <br />proposals. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed with Chair Jacobs. He said that when he read about the <br />Red Cross he gat really angry. He remembers voting on this and that Commissioner Brown had <br />some concerns. He is tempted to write a letter asking for the County's money back because he <br />feels the trust has been violated. He would like to clarify very clearly the County's expectations <br />when the Board votes to use public monies to help support a building program. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that there should be same standards for capital and <br />operating funds. One of the things for accountability should be an audit. An entity should not <br />claim to be private and not allow anyone to look at their books. She said that there should be <br />accountability and openness because it is taxpayer dollars. She asked the staff to come up with <br />standards for the Board's review. <br />Commissioner Brown said that if citizens assume that the Board has the responsibility <br />for something then the Board starts to assume the same. The line of accountability is not tied <br />
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