Orange County NC Website
16 <br />This group of professionals understands the conditions, character, and values of this community, an <br />understanding acquired through direct and extensive work here. We aze very familiar with the last Master <br />- --_ ---. . - - -----_--- .: ------- _. <br />-" "- Tepared-for~lr's~it~it~i608; aud ~6 e un ci ns we are prou o e eymour enior ~- <br />Center and the Southem Human Services Center on tbis site and the success of those facilifies. But this <br />project also needs some "out of the box" thinking, and needs a fresh perspective to a complement the local <br />lmowledge and experlise. VJe understand the patamount importance of public engagement and building a <br />broad base of ownership and consensus for the new Master Plan. We understand the importance of drawing <br />the connections between the unique natural characteristics of this site, the services that Orange County <br />cutrenfly provides and will provide on this site, transportation and mobility issues, and relatiottship to <br />adjacent and neazby properties. Key considerations wi1l inciude the interests of nearby residential <br />neighborhoods, traffic movements on Homestead Road, and the evolution of Carolina North. <br />Highlights of our team's strengths include the following: <br />Natianal / North Carolina Experierece Preparing Plans and Implemenfation Sirategies: Team members <br />have assisted local govemments.throughout North Catolina and the nation in successfulty prepazing plans <br />and growth management strategies that focus on development opportunities while keeping a close eye on <br />conservation of existing community character. <br />Familiarity and Experience Working in and around Orange County: We understand the planning and <br />development context of Orange County, and are very familiar with this Homestead Road Area. We <br />understand the cuiture and values of Orange Counry. <br />Public Pasticipation: Our team members aze highly skilled facilitators, experienced in working with <br />citizens, staff, and elected officials to gain consensus on issues and developing land use approaches that <br />represent the values and desires of the community. We understand the need for a robust citizen engagement <br />process with special outreach to key stakeholder individuals and organizations. <br />Focus on Susrainability: Clarion is a narional leader in the emerging field of sustainable community <br />planning practices. Our approach to this effort will include incorporating long-term thinking about the needs <br />of the futute, focusing on measures that wiIl help this Homestead Road site continue to develop in a <br />responsible and resilient manner_ <br />Focus on Service Delivery: We understand the challenging fiscal piciure that Orange County and all local <br />governments are facing, and the need to create cost-efficient service delivery systems to address growing <br />demands for services. This highly strategic location represents a great opportunity for Orange County to <br />expand enhance its delivery of needed services to Southem Orange County. <br />Senior Level Professionals Committed to Projec~ All of our key team members are seasoned professionals <br />with many years of e~perience in planning, all of whom will be direcUy involved in this project from start to <br />finish. The workloads of these three firms aze all conducive to an immediate start on this project and <br />commitment through to timely completion_ We have addressed similaz issues in similat settings, and have <br />extensive local govemment planning e~cperience. We can bring experience, local knowledge, and value to <br />this process. At the end of this proposal we offer a summary that highlights the ways in which this team and <br />this proposal address the criteria identified by the County. <br />We are excited about the prosgect of this oppommity to work with Otange County and thank you for the <br />opportunity to submit this response to your Request for Proposals. Please contact us if you have questions <br />or need fiuther infotmation. <br />Very t~uly yours, <br />/~~~ S ~ ~ <br />Roger ~~Valdon, FAICP <br />Principal, Clazion Associates <br />