Scope of Work, Schedule, and Budget
<br />Southem Orange Campus Master Pfan - Clarion Team
<br />Aprii 25, 2012
<br />SC~PE QF ~IV~RK
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<br />The Scope of Work for this initiative will involve five tasks in Phase 1 to prepare a Master Plan, and a Phase 2
<br />to take an application through the Chapel Hill review and approval process.
<br />Pl~ase 1
<br />Task 1: Project Initiarion and Review of Information. Review the Vision, Objectives, and
<br />Fundamental Principles for this initiative with County staff in order to construct a detailed project
<br />schedu[e and citizen engagement strategy. Assemble and review Orange County's most current
<br />facility, service plans, and related policy plans. Review previously prepazed and approved plans for
<br />this site to determine what informarion needs to be updated. Assemble, review, and summarize
<br />information from related current initiatives, including the Carolina North Development Agreement,
<br />planned transportation improvements, and the Chapel Hill 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Meet with
<br />Chapel Hill Department Staff to confirm process (including submittal requirements and
<br />timelines) for amendment of the approved plans for this site. Review Orange County discussions
<br />regazding facility needs and space planning (from January discussions). Review transportation
<br />conditions and plans for the vicinity of the site, including transit services. Establish staff Project
<br />Team and a Planning CommitSee (to include representatives from Orange County Boazd of
<br />Comm.issioners). Confirm targets for building and facility space for this site.
<br />~ ~•• • • ~ • • ~• . •
<br />CLARION TEkM. , - ; . ~RANGE.COUN7Y STAFF .i. . -
<br />Meeting with Orange County project management team. Initial meeting with consuttant project management team.
<br />Finalize work plan, identify stakeholders, citizen Finalize work plan, identify stakeholders, and collaborate on
<br />engagement strategy. citizen engagement strategy.
<br /> Transmit Orange County plans, transportation studies,
<br />Review background information. environmental studies, infrastructure studies, and other County
<br /> information retevant to this site and its surroundings, in both
<br /> digitat and hard copy format wherever ossible.
<br />Prepare summary of data, regulations, plans, studies, and Gather information, review and comment on summary. ~
<br />conditions.
<br />Prepare series of GIS maps. Assist in gathering GIS layers for mapping.
<br />SCHEDULE .
<br />Completed: 6 weeks after Project Initiation
<br />• Task 2: Concept Plans. Prepare three conceptual plans for additional buildings on this site, with
<br />altemate approaches to building siting, undisturbed areas, parking, wallcways, and connections to off-
<br />site bike and sidewalk network. Prepaze estimates of square footage yields and ti-ansportation
<br />implications of rhe additional buildings and services (s~eets, transit, parking, bike and pedeshian
<br />movements). Include options for park-and-ride facility, coordinating with on-site parldng needs.
<br />Arrange far survey of the site (to be contracted sepazately by Orange County). Descn~be phasing
<br />options, to include consideration of a 25-year buildout, options for building consiruction in the next
<br />five years, consideration of the process for amending the site's Special Use Permit with the Town of
<br />Chapel Hill, and possibilities for immediate work on the site to develop parking and establish building
<br />footprints. Review concepts with staff and Planning Committee. Arrange for presentation to Orange
<br />.R=_= v_ ~ County Board of Commissioners to select referred concept.
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<br />Souih~ri~ Cra~ ae ~ampGS P~aster P!an Page 1
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