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Lessor in the Property tiler said Property Schedule shag terminate Lessee shall cause such investment to oompty wth the requremenls of federal tax law 30 Ina, <br />exclusion From gross tr xxm of the interest component of Rental Payments On said Property Schedle is not adversely allotted me <br />MM -9-A <br />7011 7106 to the props M UPot acceptance Of the Property by Lessee and unites otherwise required by the laws of the State, bda to the Property shall vest in <br />Lessee subject to Lessors interests under the applicable Properly Schedule and INS Agreement <br />702 W=JIh ProoaRY The Property d and will remain personal Property And will not be deemed to be affixed to or a Pan of the rent aslate on which it may be <br />situated. notwithstanding That the Property or any pan thereof may be or hereafter become in any rnannrx physlcatly affued or attatt ed to uwf estate a any 1hnxTdnp thereon <br />t requested by Lessor. Lessee will at Lessee's expense lumrsh a waiver of any inuiresi n fie property from any party tieing an &chc interest in any such real estate or buthere <br />7 02 Secnrnly IntVMJ 'fo secure the performance of an of Lessee's obligations tinder this Agreement induch g without krittation all Property Schedules now existing <br />are twibaker executed Lessee gratis to Lessor for to benait of Leseet and ins successors and assgns a security xKaest ConsbNbrhq a first ten on Lessees,nuerest m all <br />of the Property whether now owned or hereafter acquired Ag addrsoru allathrnenls, alterations end ace a SOCLs to the Property VI s a first 16on and nlamcs interest t i null <br />Ptoperly, and on any proceeds o► any of the foragang. Including nsuranoo proceeds Lessee shall exectno any addfional documents linciudng gnanranq statements <br />atdavits. notices and similar instruments to form and substance Satisfactory to Lessor which Lessor deems necessary Of approPnate to establish mavdun and p9dmi a <br />secunly imeresl in the Property in favor of Lessor and As successors and assigns Lessee hereby authorizes Lessor to Ole al financing statements witch Lessor deems <br />necessary Of aplxopnste to estathssh, maintam and perfect suet security interest <br />704 Shejsbtubon Lessee may substitute tot alt or any potion Of the Property under a Propeny Schedule personal property of approxltrhstO y equal or greater market <br />valve and with an equal or greater useful life In One event of any such subsldu0on Lessee shag deliver to Lessor a eerlfrcabon that the personal propery proposed to be <br />substituted has approximately equal or greater market value and An equal or greater useful life as the portion of are Property being surbsbtuted for, togatw with an opinion d <br />counsel acceptable to Lessor to Fire effect that the proposed Substitution will not adversely affect me exompeon of OM imenesl composers ct Rentat PaymNnla under the <br />Properly Schedule from federal income taxation Lessee shall be responsible for an costs Arid expenses of Lessor, nCludng reasonable reasonable counsel fees for any such <br />Substitution Losses shall cause all rtnaricng statements, fixture filings cemrncales of tied afrrdsvds notices and smwlu estnxnenla, to be made or filed in a timely owner to <br />secure and perfect the security interest of Lessor in Cho substituted property <br />ARTICLE VnI <br />801 7Ylatntanance of Property bg Losses Lessee shag keep and maintain the Property in good condition and working order and in compliance with the <br />minulacturles specdx;ations, shag use operate and maintain the Property in confor" wrath ON lam and regulations concerning to PMPenys ownership possession use <br />and mairtenance and sham keep this Property free and dear of all bend and claims Other than those created by the Agreement Lessee shag have sole responsibility to <br />rmitmWrn and repair the Property Should Lessee lad to maintain preserve and keep the Properly in good repair and wonting order and in accordance with mandadurers <br />specifications, and of requested by Lessor, Lessee will enter into maintenance, contacts for the Property in fomt atiorovedby Les ca and with aporev*d providers <br />862 Lions. Taxaa Other Oovemmerlsd CharosA srd tfgh Che'Up Laude shag loop the Property fret of ell loges Irene and encumbrances except for the <br />interest d Lessor under gat Agreement The parkas b tits Agreement mMermpfale that the Properly well be used for a goveinmenlal er Propnelary, pu•pose of Lessee and <br />theM1016. that the Properly wig be exempt from all Properly faxes The Retrial Payments payable by Losses under Oita Agreement and the Progeny Schedules hereunder <br />have been estabkshed to raged the savage resulbng from Oks exemption from taxation Lesaee will take such accord necessary under applicable law to obtain said <br />examplten Nevertheless lr the use Posseuan or asgtasnl0n of the Property is determined to be subject to taxalhon or tiler beco nes subject to such taxes, Lasses shall pay <br />when due ag taxes and governmental charges lawfully assessed or levied agaves or vri h respacl to IN Property 14Stae shag pay mill gas water. steam electriury, heat <br />power. teleplwno utility arid other charges incurred to the operation. maintenance, use acupanly and upkeep of to Property Lessee shag pay such taxes Or charges as the <br />same may become due provided that with respect to any such laze$ Of charges Out may tawduly be paid in uwalkneras over a period of years, Lessee shag be obligated to <br />pay cosy such mstagmenu as accrue during the then current 11" year of the Lease Unit for such Property <br />803 Insurance AT its Own expense Lessee shall mungm (e) casualty insurance Insuring the Property against toss or damage by fire and om other asks Covered by <br />the slandard extended coverage endorsameni ter, an use to the Slate and any other risks reasonably required by Lessor n an arnourd *goat to at Feast Ins osstandrng <br />principal component of Rental PaymeriS, and Ibb liability insurance tat protects Lesser from lubdlly in as events in an SMOU a reasonably KC*Ptable to Lessor, and e <br />wotkOet compensabon Inurence covering all amoloyees waking on, m near a about the PCOPOW provided that Lessee may seY•exure agetnst sit such risks Ali w au re <br />proceeds from casually bases smali be payable as hereuaher provided in this Agfeem ni An such insurance shall be wM nsurers that are authorized to netx hunts <br />entrance in the State All such W Wtrty insurance shat name Lessor as an additional insured All such casually insurance shag contain a provision making any losses s such <br />to Lessor and Lessee as their respective interests may appear All such Insurance shag contain a provision to the *tied that Such insurance shag cal be canceted or rrgddtee <br />wthout first giving written notice :oared o Le3Sar and Lessee A least thirty (JO) days in advance of such cancellation or mWicaton Such changes shelf not become <br />affaclre without Lessor$ prior written consent Lessee shag famish to Lessor. on or before the Commencement Date for each Property Schedule and thereafter at Lessees <br />request certificates evidencing such coverage or d Lasses $0.4nsures, s wnten description of its self-insurance program together wilt, a oerllkghon from lessee,$ nsk <br />manager or Insurance agent or consultant to the effect duet Lessee's sedvusuranoe program provides adequate coverage against the risks listed above <br />804 Advances In the a„erd Lessee sham fad to either maintain the insurance required by Ihs AgreemaM Of keep the Property in good repair and waking order. <br />Lessor may, Out shall be under no ooltgaaon to purchase the required insurance and pay the 0031 of the Premiums Ifuemof or maintain and repair the Property and pay the <br />cost thereof AN amounts so 86-fancied by Lessor shah constitute additional rent for ft Lease Term for the Property Schedule forv+lvch the Property is under and shall be due <br />and Payable on The neat Rental Payment Date and Lessee covenants and agrees to pay such amounts so advanced by Lessor with ute•est thereon from to date such <br />amount$ are advanced until pad at the rate of 81-16 per annum or the maromun amount Pnnwtted by law whichever is less <br />ARTICLE IX <br />901 Ramsoe or nistnucbon If (a) the Property under a Property Schedule or any portion thereof d destroyed to whole or in part or is damaged by fine or other <br />Casualty Or (0) lisle to of the temporary use of the Property under a Property Schedule or any pan thereof shat be taken under the exercise of weal of NO power d CrtwneM <br />domain by any g0veof any l body or by any DersOr1 firm a corporation acing Pwsusnt fo governmental auuenty Lessor and Lessee well cause Che Net Proceeds (as <br />ferdnah0r defined) of any tntn •arwce darns condemnation award or safe under three, of condeni etion to be applied to the Prompt replacement repair restoration <br />modu6cettro or improvement of the Property units$ Lessee shag have exercised as n9hl to defease the Progeny Schedule as Provided herein or unless Lessee shag have <br />exercised its option to purchase Lessor's interest in rte Property if ma Property SChedule so provides Any balance of the Net Proceeds remaining after such work has been <br />completed shall be paid to Lessee For purposes of Section 8 09 and this Article V. the term 'Nei Proceeds' shag mean the er,punt remaining from the gross proceeds of arty <br />insurance claim Condemnation award on sale under threat of condemnation agar deducting ON expenses Including reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in the gollecbon <br />we'eof <br />902 Insufficiency of Net Procoods It TM Net Proceeds ate insufficient to pay in fat the cost of any repair, restoration modification or mprovem*m referred to in <br />Section 9 CI Lessee shall fa) complete such rophacoment repair restoration modnftcation or Improvement and pay any costs thereof in excess of the amount of the Net <br />Proceeds arid, if Lessee shag make any payrneris ptasuant to this SeClton Lessee stall not be enttled 10 any renmOuPtoment therefor from Lessor nor shag Lessee be <br />en•tled to any dimmvhon of the amounts payable under Section 6 02 or tb) defease the Property Schedule Pwsuant to Section 6 07, Or (C) exercise its option to purchase <br />Lessors interest ,n he property pursuant 10 the Monet purchase Provisions et the Properly Schedule d any The amount of she Net Proceeds d any, remaining alter <br />completing such repair res•orsucin rnodngalron W irronaement or after such defoasantce or purchase may be retained by Lessee <br />