Orange County NC Website
7 <br />Master Tax - Exempt Lease /Purchase Agreement <br />BETWEEN Key Govemment Finance, Inc (the "Lessor") <br />1000 South McCaslln Blvd <br />Su enor, CO 80027 <br />AND Chapel Hill- Carrboro City Board of Education (the "Lessee ") <br />750 S Memtt Mill Rd <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27516 -2878 <br />Attention Mr Ray Reitz <br />Telephone 919 - 967 -8211 <br />DATED 19/6/2006 <br />ARTICLE I <br />I Of Deflnrleona The lolloveng terms will have the meanings indicated below unless the cvrlext clearly requiresopherwess <br />'Agent' means any agent for the Registered Owners d any to which afi or a portion of Lessor's right, boa and rrleresi in 10 and under A Properly Schedule and The Property <br />under such Property Schedule may be assigned lot the benerd of the Registered Owners of Lease Panlcepshon Caruicates rn such Properly Schedule <br />'Agreement' means the Master Tax - Exempt leasoiPurchase Agreement. including alp exhibits and schedules attached hereto <br />'Commencement Date' is VM date when the term of a Property Schedule and Lessees obligation to pay rent thereunder commences which dale shall be set forth in the <br />Property Sct'edrls <br />-Event of Nenappropoaton- is defined in Section 6 06 <br />'Event of Default' is defied In Section 4301 <br />'Lease Parbcrpabon Ceitltaatss' means ceirtir4ales evidencing a right to receive a share of Rental Payments payable under a Property Schedule and Purchase Price <br />Payments payable under a Property Schedule and any other rights set NO herasr with respect to the Properly under said Property Schedule <br />'Lease Term' means, stlh respect to a Properly Schedule. die Original Term and all Renewal Terms The Lease Term fill each Property Schedule executed hereunder shall <br />be set forth in such Property Schedule as provided in Secoen 4 02 <br />- Laosso- means tM efmtli idenbfiad as such in Vie first paragraph hereof, and its permitted successors and ass" <br />Lessor' means the eahly xlentiRd as such in the first paiag aph hereof and As successors and assigns <br />10 -hgmal va—' mts^s tv."k tes;ech to a -rope -y Scthed+le !ha pe-od rro,n the Co— arse -em Dare uht't'he eed OF uy budget year of Lessee ,n tae--h at the <br />CeirnmenGmenh Date <br />"Property- means, oinwiavely Oro plopeav leasetpurchased pursuant to this Ageeemenh and vain respect to each Property Schedule the property descittied in such <br />Properly Schedule and all repfaA41MMs repass lestoralons modifications and improvements thereof or thereto trade pursuant to Section S 01 or Arlicle Ik <br />'Property SchaduM' means a Property Schedule in the form attached hereto for Property Scnedum 1 Subsequent Property Schedules pursuant to Vvs Agreement shall be <br />pumb#M4 consecu Ivo. begrnwng with Property Schedule 2 <br />'Purchase Price' means Oil amount the' Lessee rmy in its drscrehon pay 10 Lessor to purchase fix Property under a Peoperly Schedule, as provided in Section i 101 and <br />as set With in 0M Property Schedule <br />'Registered Owners- mearss the registered owners of Lease Participation Certificates in a Property Schedule as shown on the roghs'rahon books maintained by the Age-* <br />`Renewal Terms - means the renawai reruns or a Property Schedul@, each having a durabon of one year and a warm coextensive vnpi Lessee s budget year <br />'Rental Payments' moans ht+e rental payments payable by Lasses under AnXIe VI Of the Agree-rent and each Properly Schedule, as silt lonh in each Property Schedule <br />'Rental Payments Oates' neeans the rental payments da'es son Lite Rental Payments as eel foth. to each Proper'y Set+edule <br />'State' means Ow stale in which Lessee is situated <br />'Vendor" means the rnentlactwar er Ldnlractol of the Property as well as Ore agents or dealers of the mamdaclurer or cdntrac'or from whom lessor or Lessee purchased or <br />is purchasing all or anyponlon of the Property <br />AR71cLs la <br />201 eroberly Schedules Separate Financings Each Property Schedule executed and ddlNered under this Agreement shag be treated u a separa•e fnancng <br />distinct from other Prop @ -ty Schedules Without hineeng IM foregoing. upon One occurrence o! an Evert of Default or an Even! of Nonappro mason with respect to a Property <br />Schedule, Lessor shall have IN ngt43 and lamed es specified herein with respect to lee Property financed and lee Rerthal Payments payable under such Property Schedule <br />and except as expressly provedod •n Section 12,72 below. Lessor shag have no lights or terned-es 011h respecl'0 PrdpertV Chanced or Rental Pa►sounts payable under any <br />COs' Property ScheckRs unless an Even, of Derauh or Eveed d Nonappropnatxin has also occurred under such other Propely Schedules . <br />ARTICLE 111 <br />301 Covenants of Lessee As of the Commencement Date for each Property Schedule executed and delwereo hereunder Lessee shall be deemed to represent, <br />co =Ynanl antl,vanary br the banefit of Lessor ary Agent and any Registered Owners, as'dllo-vs <br />(al Lessee •s a public body corpd-a+e and PO4ie duly organized and existing under the copwit ftwn and taws cf the Ste'e with rut pacer and aulhiprh• to erler <br />into this Agiesneri and the Property Schedule and die bansactiors contempla'eQ +hereby and In perform at *'its obligations thereunder <br />(bl Lessee wtJ 40 W Cause to be done a.' things necessary to preserve and keep in hug force and effect its existence as a 3ody corporale slid politic To the <br />extern Lasses shoul0 r-18 -ge min another entry under the laws of dte Slate lessee ag•ses Nat as a condn+or to sJCh me'gw it will 'equve sac the <br />remaining orresuhing empty shat be assigned Lessee's rights and shall assume Lessee's obligations hereunder <br />(ci Lessee has been duly authorized to execute and delve- ws Agreement and the Property Schedule by proper action by r,a gwanir+g body of by diner <br />appropriate ofaal at:prova• and all requirements have been met and procedures he" occurred in order to ansuie the validity and enhuceaG7hy ar this <br />Agree hem and the Property Schedule and Lessee has complied with such pubbe bidd-n2 rsgu iernenrs as may be applicable to this Agreen"-m and the <br />Prope-ty Sched-Ae and ire acg.asulron by Lessee of the Property lhereunier On Or pelota the CommM_tmenl Date for the Property Schedule Lessee shad <br />Cause to be execuleo an op.11.3n Of counsel in Substantially the form attached 10 the lorm of the Ptope4y S :t•ei%Aa as Exnrb+t 2 <br />ill Dunn; il•e Lease Term for It's Prooery Schedule the Properly thoreunder will pertcrm and watt be used by Lessee only for rte pu•pose of pelor -•rig <br />essential gd mmenlal uses and pdbhc Ilxt: lions hwlh+n the permissible scope of Lessee s aup*(61( <br />