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1406 Waiver of Jury Trlak Losses and Lessor hereby +rrevoraby waive all, ngM to Inai by jury in any action. pioceedirg Or counterclaim (whatier based on contract <br />let a otherwise) ansrfg out Or or relating to Ihws Agreement or the actions of Lassor or Lessee in the negotation, administration, performance or erdorcemert hereof <br />1407 AmendMggls, Q a9ea and Moddlcahons Tlvs Agmemonl may be amended in writing by Lessor and Losses to the oxford Ps amsndwril or modification <br />does not fpdY to outstanding Property Schedules at tho tuft of such amendment or rnoedicabon The oMSenl of the apptrrabid assignee or Agent if any shop be required tt <br />arty brnerdrnent Or modficalfon before such amendment or miodificalion shag be applicable to any oulstandmg Property Schedule <br />1408 Execution In Counlar2g% T1ws Agreement and the Property Schedules hereunder may be simultaneaysty exacvtad in several counterparts. each of 1Nif I <br />shall be an anginal and at of which shall consmi to but one and the same instrument ch <br />1409 AOobcabfe Law Ths Agreement snag be govemed by and Oonsirved in accordance with the Laws of the SU1e of North Carolina <br />1410 CepMns The captions or headings in Ihia Agreement are for convenience ordy and in no way define hint or describe the scope er inient of any provistora Or <br />sections or this Agreement <br />14 11 Aledhaharrlgydino Arbdrabon In the Evanl of a dispute between the Parties which the Parties are unable to resolve the Pates shay submit their dispute to <br />nort-b" mediation before a mutually agreeable nedialm prior to mitiabng bligation If IN part-as are unable to agree upon a riet11stor wMh-n Ihirty (30) days <br />altar lasting Io resolve the mspula, either Party may petition a court of competent lunsdicxon lot the despnalion of a qualified mediator for these purposes Each <br />Party shaft bear its awn costs end expenses of partiapabng In the mediation (induduvg witeul timrtation. reasonable atomeys' tees). and each Party %hail bear <br />onfihdl (112) of the costs and expenses of the modeler Unless Otherwise ag cod the Parties will hod mediation m.Greenvdfe. North Cambna This rnaffers <br />discussed a (aveaied m Oho medtatxm session shalt not be revealed in any subsequent b9gstion <br />In the even) the manor is not resolved on mediation either Party may request arbitration The Parties shall Ptntly select an Arbitrator aid shag be bound by the <br />decision of the Arbitrator with respect to any de Pule between Ile games with rasped to this Agroenwd R the Pates are unable to mutwgy agree upon an <br />Arburator the Panes shat each select an Anbmrator and the two Arbitrators so selected shat BelerA a third Artxtrator, end the deaston Of the ma,onty of the <br />Arbitrators shall be conclusive and birwing upon the Parties Ths Parties at all bmea agree to equally 411111 the Dolls of any Arbrtrato4s) detected in an effort to <br />resolve the dispuls between the parties Any Parry deeinng to resolve a 41ePr9 under the terms on phis Agreement shall noirly the other Party in writing, and Rue <br />parties slag so ek to agree upon a mutually agreed -Won Arbitrator within a period of ten (10) days from the 0819 Of Such written demand If the Parba are cable <br />to agree wsntn lvdi ten (10) day period rho Parties shag each select an Arbitrator, and the two (2) Arbitrators so selected shag select a did Arbitrator, within <br />Sheen (15) lays from the date M the written demand for arbitration and a demzsion shag be rendered by the Alb irsto4s) so sekcted within five (5) days after such <br />Arbdrala(stn selected <br />W IMTNESS WHEREOF. Lessor and Lessee have caused this Agreement to be executed in lhea names by their duly authon:ed representatives as of the date <br />first above written <br />Lessor: Key Government Finance, Inc. <br />B <br />Name <br />JOHN L. LEKIC <br />Title. vn <br />–J' • —"jj0nS <br />Lessee: Chapel Hill- Carrboro City Board of <br />Education <br />B <br />Name S 1 er R c <br />Title ASsT'". So k. �ar VC <br />Attest <br />B <br />Name �1 "�*fD t"'- E % -rz._- <br />Title G� <br />12 <br />