Orange County NC Website
10 <br />ARFICLE X <br />SO at Ocscimme r g Wwrmnbg LESSOR MAKES NO (AND SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO HAVE MADE ANY; WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR 1MPUED, AS TO ANY <br />RATTER WHATSOEVER INCLUOING wRNOUT LIMITATION THE DESIGN OPERATION OR CONDITION OF Oft THE DUALITY OF TIIE MATERIAL, EOUIPMENr <br />OR WORKMANSHIP IN THE PROPERTY, ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE THE STATE OF TITLE THERETO OR ANY <br />COLIPONENr THEREOF THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS (WHETHER OR NOT DISCOVERABLE) AND LESSOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS THE SAME, <br />IT BEING UNDERSTOOD THAT THE PROPERTY IS LEASED TO LESSEE 'AS IS' ON THE DATE OF THIS AOREEMENr OR THE DATE Of DELIVERY WHICHEVER .S <br />LATER, AND ALL SUCH RISKS IF ANY. ARE TO BE BORNE 8Y LESSEE Lessee acknowledges Wl It has made (or will make) the selection of the Property from the <br />Vendor based an its ovm judgmen, and expressly disclaims any reliance upon any statemenb or representabons made by Lassos Lessee understands and agrees Oat (a) <br />neither 1M Vendor nor, any sales reprosentalne or other agent of Venda is (t) an agent of Lessor or (a) aWOn2ed 10 make Of aster any term or W rdt0on of this AgresrharA <br />and (b) no such waiver or alteration shall vary the terms of this Agreement Vnlasa expressly set forth herein In no arena shall Lessor be liable for any ncWontal, indirect <br />special or consequential damage in connection with or snsrng 00 Of this Agreement the Property Schedules or the existence fumishing tunxuonrg or use of any item, <br />product or service prowled for in this Agreement or the Prapeny Schedules <br />1002 iLirQQr'e WarnrRras Lessor hereby irrevocably assgm to Lessee as rights that Lena may have to assts from we to bme whatever dams and rights <br />('aduthng vnOhout umrtation warranties) related to the Property agaenl the Vendor Lessee's sole remedy for the breach of such warranty, indemndncabon or representation <br />shied be against tie Vendor of 1M Property, and rot against Lessor, nor shall such matter have any affect whatsoever on the rights and obligations of Lessor with respect to <br />this Agreement including the right 10 recewe frig and turlely payments hetsvinder Lessee expressly ackraModges that Lessor nukes, and has made, no reprasentatiors a <br />warontes whatsoever as to the existence or Iho availability of such warranties of the Vendor of the Property <br />1403 Uss of the Pro oaM Lessee will not Inlet use operate or i aintan that Property unpropedy. carelessly in violation or any applicable law w in a manner contrary <br />to Oat contemplated by Itus Agreement and the applicable Properly Schedule Lessee shah provide an permits and beenses, If any, necessary fa the irslsnavon and <br />operation of the Props try In addition Lessee agrees le comply n as rsspsas with an laws of the hunsdidon in which its operations uwolvwq any Item of Property may extend <br />and any legislative, executive administrative on prduaat body exercising any power of j nsdx eons over the items of the Property, provided that Leased may cdMest In good <br />faith the v8hidily or application of any such law or rule in any reasonable manner pal does note in the Opirxon of Lessor adversely affoot the Interest of Lessor n 011,11 (e the <br />Properly or its inleresl m rights under this Agreement Lasses shag promptly nobly Lessor in willing of any pending or t neatened Investigation +rtQirpY, claim or action by any <br />govammental authority which could adversely affect dos AgfeemenL any Property Schedule or this Property thereunder <br />1004 Noddieabona Subtect to die provisions or this Section Lessee shah have the nghL at its own expense to make ahaabas additions, modifications or <br />Improvements to the Property All such alterations. addibons modficatorw and improvements shah thereafter compose Part Of the Properly and shag be subyed to the <br />provsrons Of SNs Agreement Such alterations addil ons, moddfx:abora and Improvements shun not n anyway damage the Property, subslanbally alter rte nature or cause ill to <br />be used for purposes chef than those sulholtZed under the powsions of state and fadeV law, and the Property, on compbtrpn of any siltation adddions meddteatlons a <br />improvements made pursuant to this Section, "be of a value wtuch I$ eQuat to or greater can the vague of the Property Immediately prior to the making of such alleratwns <br />addtans modifications end improvements Lessee shelf• al is own expense make such alterations additions modifications and Improvements to the Property as may be <br />required from time to lime by applicable law or by any governmental authon(y <br />ARTICL@ XI <br />1101 Option io Pyuchea Lessee shag have the Option to purchase Lassoes entire interest in all of de Propertysubfect to a Property Schedule and W terminate any <br />restrictions herein on the Property under such Property Sc eduls on the last day of to Lease Term for a Properly Schedule. If Ile Property Schedule is still n ehea on such <br />day upon Payment 'AM of the Rental Payments due thereunder plus payment of One (1) Dollar to Lessor Lessee shal give written notice to Lessor or is Intent to purchase <br />Lessor's interest in the Property at least Sniffy (60) days Prior to the last day of the Lease Term for apphnabte Property Scedule Upon exercise of the purchase option as set <br />fodh in this Section 1101 and payment of to purchase price under the applicable Properly Schedule and performance by Lessee of all other terms, conditions and <br />provisions tweol . Lessor stall delver to lessee all such documents and Instruments as lessee may reasonably rogwe to evidence this transfer without warranty by or <br />recourse to Lessor, of an of Lessors fight. title and Interest In and to the Properly subject to such Property Schedule to lessee <br />1102 Oettion to Props V Lessee shall have the option so prepay the Rental Payments due under a Property Schedule but only if Ole Property Schedule so provides <br />and on the terms set forth to the Property Schedule <br />21AIZqk4FCI <br />1201 Assignment by Lessor Lessors right tilde and interest in to and under each Property SrhodIde and the Property under such Property Schedule may be <br />assigned and reassigned in whole or to part to one or more assignees or subassgnees by Lessor and o the extent of telr Interest• by any Regstered Owner vnU)O A the <br />necessity of obtaining the consent of Lessee provided that (it any assignment, other than an ass gnment to or by a Registered Owner, shag not be ehestive unW Lessee has <br />received widen notice signed by the assignor of the name address and tax rdenb&st10n number of the asarpnee and (ii) any assignment to or by a Registered Owner shall <br />not be effective until it is registered on the registration books kept by the Agent Lessee shah ratan am such ADbm As a register of al assgneas (other than Registered <br />Owners) and shah make at payntenlx to the assignee or o"nees dougnaled in such register or, in die Case of Registered Owners, to the Ages In the event cat Lessor's <br />interest in a Property Schedule and the Property thereunder is assigned to the AgenL Lease Partxapabon Certificates in that Property Suledue may be exeeoed and <br />delivered by the Agent to Registered Owners Lessee agrsa 'o ex cult all documents urcludrtp noboes of assignment and charter mortgages or financing sls'ements that <br />may be feasonabty reauesled by Lessor or any assignee to proled is interests In this Agreement and the Property Schedules <br />1202 P(ovil)Y Schadutos Seoseate Fhnancrnes Assignees of the Lassoes rights in one Property Schedule shag have no rights in any other Property Schodute unless <br />such rights have boon separately assigned Lessor may celectiv illy ass-on two or more Property Schedtdss vnlh the same Commencemem Oata to the Agent for the purpose <br />of causing the execution and delivery of lease Particlpa0on 0041:ates in the Property Schedules with the some Commencement Date Such assngrrmnt shag aocur on such <br />Commencement Date and upon such assgmherit ag Property Schedules so assigned shat be vested as a single financing and a single Property Sdwduls with respect to <br />rghtss ano rcmeaes upon the occurrence of an Event of Default or an Event of Norappropnalnon under this Agreement Registered Owners rights with respect to the Property <br />Schedules shag be determined as provided in the escrow agreement or trwr agn lament totaling to such Lease Participation Cerbfirates <br />1203 Assionnienl and Subleasing by Lessee NONE OF LESSEE'S RIGHT. TITLE AND INTEREST hit, TO AND UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND IN THE <br />PROPERTY MAY BE ASSIGNED SUBLEASED OR ENCUMBERED BY LESSEE FOR ANY REASON, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRIT17EN CONSENT OF LESSOR WHICH <br />CONSENT SHALL NOT UNREASONABLY BE WITHHELD <br />12 O4 Release and IndemnrBcal" Covenants To Oho exert lse•mihad by applicable law. Lessee shall indemnify. protest hold harmless save and keep harmless <br />Lessor from and against any and all habody obl•gaton loss dawn and damage whatsoever regardless of cause thereof• and at expanses in connection thOmweh including <br />wvl'r_ul Imitation reasonable counsel fees ants expenses penalties and nteral (collect voly 'Losses') Arising out of or resulting horn to entering into this Agreement any <br />Property Schedules he•eunder the ownership of any nem of the Property the loss of federal lax exempbon of the interest on any of the Properly Scnedules the ordering <br />acquisition use operation condition purchase delivery. rejection storage or return of any item of the Property a any accident in corvnectan with the operation, use <br />condition, possession storage w rerun of any rem of the Property resulting m damage to property of tnpiry to Or death to any person provided, however that lessee sta s <br />not be required to Inden"fy Lessor for Losses arfirg out of or res'.Ang from Lassoes own willful or negligent conduct of for Losses arising out of or resulting from Lessee <br />p•eperalnon of aisroswe malenal Ietatirq to Lease Parts patior C"frcales (other than d•sclosure, malenat prodded to Lessor by Lease) The i dem iricabon ins" under <br />this Section shah corrinue to hill force and 0ect notvethstanoing the ful. payment of all obbgahons under this Agreement or the applicable Property Schedule or Uhe <br />term ration o' ore Lease'it"'Or such Property Schedue 131 apy reason <br />1201 Eventil gf Qefautt Oehned Any of the fouowing steal constocle an 'Event or Default' under a Property Schedule <br />Is) Failure by Lessee to Pa. any Rental Payment under the Property Schedule or cthar ;gmenL reQuved to be Paid vndh respect thereto at the ume specand <br />therein <br />(b) failure ey Lessee to observe and perform any co••enanl coned-wi o- ay'eerrient on u pan 10 be observed or performed with respect to de Property <br />Sdh03Ve Othel than as e'eried ,o in subparag•aph fa) above for a petiod o'thirty (301 oars afar •widen notice speaFpng such failure and requesting that d <br />be remedied is given to Lessee by Lessor unless Lessor shalt agree in wring b an extension of su:h time pow to its exprrabon prodded that If Via failure <br />staled in the route ca.1na1 ore :'or•^cted •.Mk1 the appl'cabte period Lessor -call no' uMessorably wilt; held Ile donseni to an exrenelor of suck- time if <br />conecly a acaon is .nslnLled cy Lessee w Wn the appricabte period and diligently pu'sued until the delauu is corrtrled <br />