Orange County NC Website
Emergency Services <br />2. The Orange County Emergency Services Department has received notification from the <br />N.C. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety of additional supplemental grant <br />funds of $14,636 related to the 2011 Emergency Management Performance Grant <br />award. The department plans to use these funds to assist in maintaining the <br />comprehensive Emergency Management Program. This budget amendment provides <br />for the receipt of these additional grant funds, and amends the following grant project <br />ordinance: (See Attachment 1, column 2) <br />Emergency Management Performance Grant ($14,636) - Project # 71049 <br />Revenues for this project: <br /> Current FY <br />2011-12 FY 2011-12 <br />Amendment FY 2011-12 <br />Revised <br />EM Performance Grant funds $15,000 $14,636 $29,636 <br />Total Pro'ect Fundin 315,000 $14,636 529,636 <br />Appropriated for this project: <br /> Current FY <br />2011-12 FY 2011-12 <br />Amendment FY 2011-12 <br />Revised <br />EM Performance Grant $15,000 $14,636 $29,636 <br />Total Costs $15,000 514,636 ;29,636 <br />Sheriff s Department <br />3. The Sheriff's Department has requested to purchase finro (2) replacement transport vans <br />totaling $48,060. Of the total, $38,128 is currently budgeted and available in the <br />department's vehicle recurring capital account, and the remaining amount of $9,932 <br />would be appropriated out of received drug funds, which currently resides in a balance <br />sheet account within the general ledger system. This budget amendment provides for <br />an appropriation of $9,932 from the County's fund balance for the transfer of these <br />funds from the drug fund account to the Sheriff s departmental recurring capital account <br />for the purchase of these vehicles. (See Attachment 1, column 3) <br />Visitor's Bureau - Arts Commission <br />4. The Orange County Arts Commission received a decrease of $3,516 in the State Arts <br />Grant allocation during FY 2011-12. This change represents an 11.76% decrease in the <br />amount available for state artist grants, reducing the original budget from $33,407 to <br />$29,891 for the remainder of the current fiscal year. (See Attachment 1, column 4) <br />