Orange County NC Website
Lighting of existing playing field and walking track <br />Paved (ADA} trail from community center to new shelter <br />Relocate playground equipment <br />'/-mile of nature trails (including connection to Richmond Hills) <br />Parking, as needed <br />Additional Items <br />Ask County and OCS to explore grading and re-seeding of the "northern field" far flexible play areas <br />Address the existing sediment basin during Phase 2, perhaps as wetlands restoration <br />Conclusion <br />Committee used projected cost estimates to develop facility options <br />Cost estimated to be $231-297,000 <br />Top priorities are picnic shelter and lighting <br />Dave Stancil said that the timeframe from Board approval to consideration of a contract for <br />construction would be approximately four months and that the construction would take six to twelve months. <br />The committee has also asked that staff continue to engage the community as construction proceeds. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if the work would be totally supervised by the Recreation and Parks <br />Director and if another consultant would be hired. Dave Stancil said that they do not intend to hire a <br />consultant. Recreation and Parks will be responsible for overseeing the construction. Commissioner <br />Halkiotis would like the staff to be given some direction on the northern field and the cast of grading and <br />seeding it. Also, there has been discussion about a trail from Richmond Hills. This is the time to have a <br />discussion because the school system is preparing to fence in this area far security reasons, and the gate <br />should be put in the right place. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the picnic shelter and if there are two possible sites. Dave Stancil said <br />that originally the picnic shelter was proposed north of the community center. At the last committee <br />meeting, it was noted that it might be out of the way for same of the activities. The staff will come back with <br />a draft site plan for the picnic shelter. <br />Chair Jacobs proposed that at some point in the near future that the Board looks at a goal or policy <br />for no net loss of trees on properties that the County owns and develops. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the budget and if it goes to the $297,000 if the Recreation and <br />Parks Department has the money. Dave Stancil said that they would not know the exact amount until they <br />get to the level of having bid documents. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to Commissioner Jacobs' comment about no net lass of trees. <br />He likes the sound of it, but before the staff brings back a policy, they should bring back an analysis of the <br />implications of that. He wants more information on the implications and casts before a policy is fashioned. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that the Commission for the Environment work on this. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that on the surface he supports the one far one. However, if it is only <br />going to be County government, then we may as well beat our heads an a wall. He would like to make this <br />part of a larger package to have a visit with forestry counterparts. <br />6-d. Chapel Hill Township Park -Status Report, Selection of Name, and Process for Submittal <br />of Master PIanlPotential Phase I (Parkl to Town of Carrboro <br />The Board received a status report an the Chapel Hill Township Park and Educational Campus <br />Master Plan, considered selection of a name for the site, and reviewed the process and timetable for <br />submittal of the Master Plan and a Conditional Use Permit application far a possible phase I of the <br />Township Park to the Town of Carrboro and schedule the Master Plan, phasing and cost estimates, and <br />construction plans for discussion at a work session in early 2004. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the idea is not to review the master plan in any detail. The Board will <br />schedule this for a work session in early 2004. <br />David Stancil gave some background about the park. A 21-acre portion of the site was found to <br />captain an archaeological site of possible significance and this area has not been designed beyond the <br />