Orange County NC Website
/ i~-vi ~!F <br />CONTRACT BETWEEN <br />THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />AND <br />ORANGE PERSON CHATHAM MENTAL HEALTH, DEVELOPMENTAL <br />DISABILITIES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE AUTHORITY <br />THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into this 1 Z(Z,day of ~, 2001, between The <br />County of Orange ("the County") and The Orange Person Chatham Mental Health, <br />Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority ("OPC"). <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership <br />Program ("CJPP") has awarded a North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal <br />Justice Partnership Program ("NCDOCCJPP") grant to Orange and Chatham Counties, <br />North Carolina; and <br />WHEREAS, the aforementioned Counties desire to use some portion of the <br />NCDOCCJPP grant to contract with OPC to provide case management, referral, and <br />treatment services for individuals in the intermediate punishment population in Orange <br />County and Chatham County; and <br />WHEREAS, OPC desires to arrange for or provide case management, referral, and <br />treatment services through its Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime program (TASC); <br />WHEREAS, OPC, CJPP and the Counties recognize the need to actively investigate and <br />respond to the needs of the non-English speaking intermediate punishment population. <br />NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MLJTUALLY agreed as follows: <br />I. This contract shall be in effect from its date of execution to June 30, 2001. <br />II. OPC agrees to provide case management and referral services to the CJPP- <br />eligible intermediate punishment offender population in Orange County and <br />Chatham County. <br />A. A CJPP-eligible intermediate punishment offender is defined as an adult <br />offender convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony offense who received a non- <br />incarcerative sentence of an intermediate punishment or who is serving a term <br />of post-release supervision after completing an active sentence of <br />imprisonment. <br />B. DCC/OPC shall make an initial determination as to whether an individual is <br />eligible to participate in the CJPP program; OPC will assess eligible <br />individuals in order to determine the services needed by these individuals and <br />refer clients as appropriate to treatment programs and services offered by OPC <br />or through subcontracts between OPC and other agencies. <br />