Orange County NC Website
b) 'Comprehensive General Liability: Shall have minimum limits of $1;000,000 per <br />occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury, liability and property damage <br />liability. This shall include premises - and/or operations, independent contractors, <br />products, and/or completed operations, broad form property damage and explosion, <br />collapse and underground'damage coverage and a contractual liability endorsement. <br />c) Professional Errors and Omissions liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of <br />$1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate. <br />d) The County is to be included as an additional insured on Engineer's Comprehensive, <br />General Liability insurance policy. This requirement is to be stated on the Certificate <br />of Insurance. <br />e) Current, ' valid insurance policies meeting the requirements herein 'identified shall be <br />maintained during the duration of the named project. Renewal certificates shall be <br />sent to the County thirty (30) days prior to any expiration dates. There shall also be a <br />30 day notification to the County in the event of a cancellation or modification of any <br />stipulated insurance coverage. Certificate of insurance meeting the required insurance <br />provisions shall be forwarded to the County. Wording on the certificate which states <br />that no liability shall be imposed upon the company for failure to provide such notice <br />is not acceptable and should be deleted. Original policies or certified copies of <br />policies may be required by the County at any time. <br />f) Certificates of Insurance for all the insurance coverage described herein shall be <br />submitted to the county upon execution of a contract by the Engineer. <br />g) All insurance required under this agreement shall be written with a company licensed <br />to do business in North Carolina. Certified copies insurance policies may -be requested <br />by the County. <br />h) Engineer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County from all loss, liability, <br />claims or expense (including reasonable anorneys' fees) arising fiom bodily injury, <br />including death or property damage to any pawn or persons caused in whole or in <br />pan *by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Engineer except to the extent same <br />are caused by the negligence or misconduct of the County. <br />7. Amendment: This agreement may be amended or cancelled by mutual agreement .of the <br />County and-the Engineer. <br />8: Termination: Either the County or the Engineer may terminate this Agreement at any time <br />with or without cause upon giving the other party 21 calendar days prior written notice. <br />County shall within sixty calendar days following termination pay the Engineer for all <br />services rendered and all costs incurred up to the date of termination <br />