Orange County NC Website
i. <br />organizations that serve older adults. This coalition is willing fo help us distribute <br />information to and facilitate training with its members and their agencies. The Orange, <br />Person, Chatham Mental Health Association routinely assists the Orange County APS <br />workers in assessing the mental health needs of mistreated older adults_ Dr_ Hudson is <br />a rnember and Mrs. Soltys is the chair of the Orange County Advisory Board on Aging. <br />This board will also support our project by helping to disseminate infoRnation about the <br />project to older adults, professionals and organizations in the county. The Agencies <br />Network on Aging is composed of p~ofessionals who work with older adults in Orange <br />County. It is another key network through which information about our project and other <br />resources for older adults can be disseminated. In addition, the University of North <br />Carolina Hospitals has recently implemented a program to prevent domestic violence. <br />Mrs_ Campbell, is a member of this program and will be the liaison between it and our <br />Elder Mistreatment Coalifion. Mrs. Bamey, staff at the Women's Center is also a <br />member of our Coalition, and she will continue her efForts to make the changes needed <br />so that this center can be responsiv~e to the needs of older w~omen who are mistreated <br />and in need of shelter. Dr_ Bryan, Dr. Hudson and Mrs. Soltys can train students in the <br />Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Social Woric at the University of North Carolina.The <br />Ombudsman Program receives funds each year to assist in increasing awareness and <br />prevention of elder mistreatment. These funds can be used if needed to supplemenf this <br />p~oject or the continuation of the training afterproject completion. <br />11 <br />