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shall specify the amount of advance payment needed, project number and <br />provide an explanation of the necessity for and proposed use of these <br />funds. <br />(c) All funds shall be requested using the appropriate forms that are provided <br />by the AGENCY/GRANTEE. <br />(20) STATE LOBBYING PROHIBITION <br />No funds or other resources received from the AGENCY/GRANTEE in <br />connection with this Agreement may be used directly or indirectly to influence <br />legislation or any other official action by the N.C. General Assembly or any state <br />department. <br />Refer to Attachment C for additional terms and provisions relating to lobbying. <br />(21) LEGAL AUTHORIZATION <br />The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE certifies with respect to this Agreement that it <br />possesses the legal authority to receive the funds to be provided under this <br />Agreement and that, if applicable, its governing body has authorized, by <br />resolution or otherwise, the execution and acceptance of this Agreement with all <br />covenants and assurances contained herein. The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE <br />also certifies that the undersigned possesses the authority to legally execute and <br />bind RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE to the terms of this Agreement. <br />(22) ASSURANCES <br />The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall execute and comply with the Statement <br />of Assurances incorporated as Attachment D. <br />(23) SPECIAL CONDITIONS <br />(a) The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall comply with the special <br />conditions set forth in Attachment E, attached hereto and incorporated by <br />this reference. <br />(b) Failure of the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE to comply with the special <br />conditions listed in Attachment E or the program statutes and regulations <br />in Attachments B and D of this Agreement shall be cause for the <br />immediate suspension of payments or the immediate termination of this <br />Agreement. <br />Hurricane Floyd Property Acquisition & Relocation Agreement Page 15 HFPAR-4292-0067 Orange County <br />