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books, papers, records, and other documents relating to the grant for a period <br />of three years following the completion of a11 close-out procedures. <br />7. Project Savings. The recipient is obligated to contribute 100 percent of its pledged <br />cash contribution to the CDBG project even if the project experiences a savings <br />after authorized activities are completed. Any project savings accrue to the CDBG <br />program. <br />8. Method of Payment. The Department of Commerce uses the STEPS-OUT system <br />for CDBG payments to units of local government. Payments on requisitions will be <br />made only by electronic funds transfer. <br />9. Fair Housing. For each grant year that a CDBG is active, a recipient must describe <br />the actions it will take in the areas of enforcement, education and removal of <br />barriers and impediments to ~rmatively further fair housing. Guidance for <br />developing a Fair Housing Plan can be found in DCA Bulletin 93-4. <br />10. Equa1 Employment and Procurement Opportunity. A recipient must describe the <br />actions it will take annually while the grant is open in the areas of enforcement, <br />education and removal of barriers and impediments that affirmatively further equal <br />access in employment and procurement. This includes a description of steps to be <br />taken in the areas of advertisement, compliance and complaint tracking. <br />11. Local Economic Benefit (Section 3 Re~ulation). For each year that a CDBG is <br />active, a recipient must describe a strategy whereby opportunities in employment <br />and procurement arising out of a CDBG assisted project are identified and made <br />available to low-income residents within the CDBG assisted area to the greatest <br />extent feasible. This strategy must include (1) identification of training and <br />technical assistance resources to prepare low-income residents for employment and <br />procurement opportunities, (2) attempts to reach the numerical targets for new hires <br />set forth in the Section 3 regulation, which applies to recipients receiving $200,000 <br />or more in non-administrative line items expended for construction contracts of at <br />least $100,000 per contract, and (3) education of low-income residents within the <br />CDBG assisted area about the components and opportunities of the program. <br />12. Section 504 and ADA. Recipients must complete the Section 504 Survey and <br />Transition Plan. This plan will not satisfy all the requirements of the Americans <br />with Disabilities Act, but it will meet the minimum requirements for a CDBG <br />assisted project. <br />13. Obligation of Recipient With Regard to Vacant Units. The recipient sha11 ensure <br />that all vacant units being rehabilitated will be occupied by a low or moderate <br />income family by the time close-out occurs. <br />14. Utility Assessments or Fees: Assessments or fees to recover the CDBG funded <br />portion of a utility project may be charged to properties not owned and occupied by <br />low and moderate income persons. Such assessments are program income and, as <br />