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some guidelines that gives some control over their C&D waste and tries to make them <br />comply with the County ordinance. The private facilities have lower tipping fees. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to review the solid waste management <br />plan before it goes out to hearing. She asked when the transfer station was set to come <br />on line and Gayle Wilson said approximately July 2009. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked when the County would reach the 61 % waste reduction. <br />Gayle Wilson said that it was originally proposed for 2006, but because of delays they <br />have pushed it back to 2008. <br />Rod Visser said that Orange County has reduced waste 40°lo per capita since 1992. <br />During the same timeframe, the per capita waste reduction in the State has been -12°~, <br />which means it has increased by 12°l°. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that this be highlighted for the State and for the County's <br />colleagues. <br />Jahn Link said that it is a good idea to have a revised plan in place and the fees in place <br />for the towns to understand where the County is going. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the SWAB's view of the changes in the plan. Gayle <br />Wilson said that the SWAB's position is to maintain the aggressive goal as well as <br />maintain the plan to achieve the goal within the 10-year timeframe. The SWAB is in <br />favor of the MRF, the processing facility, and the expansion of the waste reduction and <br />recycling program. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he agrees with Commissioner Gordon about the 61 °I° <br />and he thinks that when this goal was adopted that the State had more of a commitment <br />to supporting local governments than they do now. The County is essentially going it <br />alone. He thinks it is important to articulate that though we are not backing away from <br />the goal, there is less support and we are working against more obstacles and it is going <br />to take longer. He would like to have an educational process and keep the changes as <br />conservative as possible so that people understand. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the possibility of the State giving any money. Gayle <br />Wilson said that the only money that is available from the State is a limited number of <br />waste reduction grants. These grants are focused on program start-ups and innovative <br />recycling approaches. <br />Rod Visser said that the County is getting from the State about $20,000 out of $58,000 <br />that they asked for. He said that things that the State used to fund they are not funding <br />anymore. Also, there are mare participants, which makes the allocation lower. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the status of the dollars from the towns and if the <br />towns are going to pay fees. Gayle Wilson said that the tipping fees that the towns pay <br />will continue and the fees that they are suggesting are for the property owners only. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for an estimate of the proposed Universal Services fees. <br />Gayle Wilson said that the ballpark figure is $40-45 annually. Rod Visser said that there <br />