Orange County NC Website
F. Work Plan Condition: 15 <br /> No funds may be obligated or expended in any activity except for administration until the recipient <br /> provides a detailed work plan on how goals for the position will be achieved and measured <br /> satisfactory to CI. <br /> G. 10% Holdback of Funds Condition: <br /> 10% of funds will be held back until receipt of final report and accepted by CI. The local <br /> government is to send a letter acknowledging this condition. <br /> H. Citizen Participation and ComAllance Condition: <br /> No funds may be obligated or expended in any project activity except for the administration activity <br /> until CI is provided with the following documentation of compliance with citizen participation <br /> requirements in the application process [4NCA 19L.1002(b)]: publisher's affidavits of notices for <br /> and minutes signed by the town(or the county as applicable) clerk of the two required public <br /> hearings. <br /> Funding Approval Page 2 of 3 11-C-2278 <br />