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downtown. The recommendations are different for each section. She said that they want to <br />address congestion, but not at the expense of the vitality of downtown. The section between <br />US 70 and Corbin Street is recommended to have a bus pull-off. Regarding the free-flowing <br />right turn from Corbin Street onto Church Street is a little bit of a safety and speed issue. It is <br />recommended to possibly have a roundabout there. This is an expensive option. There are <br />also other widening and crosswalk recommendations throughout downtown. <br />Margaret Hauth said that just today she received a funding table for these big ticket <br />items. The two big-ticket items were in the $500-600,000 range and some of the projects were <br />as small as $5-10,000. The Town Board will be reviewing these things at the next meeting. <br />Commissioner Foushee arrived at 7:45:12 PM. <br />Chair Pelissier made reference to the right-in and right-out on Margaret Lane from <br />Churton Street and asked if the Sheriff had been contacted about this. <br />John Roberts said that he spoke to the Sheriff, who said that he was not happy about <br />putting a median across Margaret Lane because it would inhibit his deputies from making a left- <br />hand turn out of Margaret Lane in an emergency. <br />Commissioner Hemminger said that she liked the removal of some of the on-street <br />parking. She said that she has concerns about a median on East Margaret Lane. <br />Margaret Hauth said that the pedestrian signal would be kept at East Margaret Lane. <br />Discussion ensued on how confusing the parking garage is next to the library regarding <br />what is free and what is paid. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that he is concerned that someone coming south on <br />Churton Street who wanted to drop someone off at the courthouse would have difficulty. <br />d) Update/Follow-up Discussion on Safe Routes to Schools Draft Action Plan <br />Orange County received a Safe Routes to School Action Plan Service Award in July <br />2008 for planning assistance to prepare an Action Plan for Grady A. Brown Elementary School, <br />Cameron Park Elementary School and C.W. Stanford Middle School. The North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation, in 2009, contracted Greenways, Incorporated and Greene <br />Transportation Solutions to work with County staff, local agency representatives, School Team <br />leaders and principals of the three schools to identify non-motorized infrast~ucture <br />improvements that enhance safety. An adopted plan will provide greater opportunities for <br />Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough to obtain Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant <br />funds for the implementation of the Action Plan. <br />A draft Plan has been completed, reviewed locally, and comments submitted to <br />Greenways, Incorporated for inclusion in the final draft. Once a final draft has been completed <br />and returned, Orange County Schools, Orange County, and the Town of Hillsborough will be <br />asked to adopt the Plan. <br />More information on this program is available at: http://www.ncdot.qov/proqrams/safetv/. <br />Darcy Zorio, Transportation Planner, said that there is not a lot of update on this item. <br />The final plan has not been received yet. <br />e) Mobility Fund (ADDED) <br />Eric Hallman said that there is a bottleneck when I-40 and I-85 narrow down from 6-8 <br />lanes to 4 lanes in Orange County. This was discussed last year. It is in the Transportation <br />Improvement Plan, but it competes with local road improvements. During the last MPO <br />meeting, there was a call for projects for the Mobility Fund, which was set up about two years <br />ago to create a separate pot of money that does not go through the individual DOT divisions <br />