Orange County NC Website
Chair Pelissier said that on the last capital improvement plan there was discussion <br />about having a jail expansion. During the courthouse tour, Judge Buckner mentioned that there <br />are some ideas about how to reduce increases in the jail population. She would like to petition <br />the Board to consider asking Judge Buckner to come and give a presentation sometime in <br />March or April about the court system and how to reduce the jail population. <br />4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Snecial Presentations <br />a. Consideration of Resolution Supportinq an Amendment to the United States <br />Constitution to Clarifv that Corporations are Not People and Monev is Not <br />Speech <br />The Board considered adopting a Resolution to Amend the United States Constitution to <br />Clarify that Corporations are Not People and Money is Not Speech and authorizing the Chair to <br />sign. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz submitted a revision to this resolution, which is shown below: <br />RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE UNITED STATES <br />CONSTITUTION TO CLARIFY THAT CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PERSONS <br />Whereas, government of, by, and for the people has long been a cherished American value, <br />and the people's fundamental and inalienable right to self-govern and thereby secure rights to <br />life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness is guaranteed in the US Constitution and the <br />Declaration of Independence, and; <br />Whereas, persons are rightfully recognized as human beings whose essential needs include <br />clean air, clean water, safe and secure food, and; <br />Whereas, corporations are entirely human-made legal fictions created by express permission of <br />the people and our government, and; <br />Whereas, corporations can exist in perpetuity, can exist simultaneously in many nations at <br />once, and exist solely through the legal charter imposed by the government, and; <br />Whereas, corporations are not mentioned in the Constitution, and; <br />Whereas, corporations are not and have never been human beings, and therefore are rightfully <br />subservient to human beings and governments as our legal creations, and; <br />Whereas, interpretation of the US Constitution by the Supreme Court has endowed <br />corporations with Constitutional protections intended only for persons, and; <br />Whereas, free and fair elections are essential to democracy and effective self-governance, and; <br />Whereas, unregulated and excessive expenditures by corporations can pervert the election <br />process; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />commends to our elected Federal representatives and asks that they support the efforts being <br />made on behalf of the people of the United States to amend our United States Constitution to <br />establish that: <br />