Orange County NC Website
website. The partnerships make this a success. The goal of the 10% Campaign is to encourage <br />consumers to commit 10% of their existing food dollars to support local food producers, related <br />businesses and communities: <br />Promotes NC farmers, foods, communities, and businesses <br />Educates consumers, decision-makers and the media <br />Collaborates with the many influential organizations already in the field and those just bloom <br />North Carolinians spend $35 billion a year on food. If individuals spend 10 percent locally, <br />about $3.5 billion would be available for the local economy. Cooperative Extension is the <br />keystone partner in every community to make this work. <br />Mike Lanier said that Orange County has been pursuing alternatives to the niche that tobacco <br />used to have. He said that marketing and selling of local foods to local consumers is growing. In <br />Orange County, it increased from $28,000 in 1997 to over $600,000 in 2007. He said that local <br />marketers who sell to local consumers have a larger profit margin. There has been discussion <br />about making a policy about restaurants purchasing locally. This campaign is a good way to start <br />this. <br />Chair Pelissier said that the Board could discuss how to participate in the future. She said <br />that she would like to participate. <br />Teisha Wymore said that 293 people in Orange County are part of the campaign. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Triangle J Council of Government adopted a resolution <br />endorsing the campaign. He suggested asking staff to look at some of the other resolutions and <br />bringing something back. <br />This will be referred to the agenda review process. <br />c. Resolution Acknowledainq Februarv 28, 2012 as Spav Neuter Dav USA in Oranae <br />Countv, and Communitv Spav and Neuter Proqram Presentation <br />The Board considered designating February 28, 2012 as "Spay Neuter Day USA" in Orange <br />County and received an update on the County's Community Spay and Neuter Program. <br />Animal Services Director Bob Marotto introduced this item along with Dr. Kris Bergstrand, Chair <br />of the Animal Services Advisory Board and Sarah Fallin, Program Coordinator from Animal <br />Services. He made a PowerPoint presentation. <br />Animal Services <br />Spay Neuter Program <br />Making sense & saving cents in Orange County! <br />What It Is 8~ How It Works <br />Targeted Spay/Neuter.~ <br />Identifying a segment of the community with a critical need for spay/neuter services (working with <br />Department of Social Services and AnimalKind) <br />Offering low-cost spay/neuter options to those identified populations that would otherwise not <br />spay and neuter their pets <br />There has been a reduction in the numbers of kittens and puppies brought to the shelter after <br />instituting this program <br />Benefits & Observations <br />Animal Service Operations <br />Controls costs <br />Makes staffing numbers work <br />Bringing People Together <br />