Orange County NC Website
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North <br />Carolina, that the County makes a preliminary determination to finance approximately <br />$21,500,000 to pay capital costs of the proposed new elementary school and $3,500,000 to pay <br />costs of the other County projects described above. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board approves additional financing as appropriate to <br />carry out beneficial refinancings of existing County obligations, with the amount of this financing <br />currently estimated as not to exceed $50,000,000. <br />The Board will make a final determination to proceed with the financing, and to approve financing <br />terms and conditions, by one or more subsequent resolutions. Likewise, the Board will establish a <br />maximum amount to be financed by a later resolution. Some financing proceeds may be use to <br />reimburse the County for prior expenditures on project costs, and some proceeds will be used to <br />pay financing costs. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners makes the following <br />findings of fact: <br />(1) The proposed projects are necessary and appropriate for the County under all the <br />circumstances. <br />The County has worked with Chapel Hill - Carrboro School Board to develop a plan for <br />financing school facilities, of which the currently-proposed elementary school is a part. The <br />ambulances and convenience center improvements will improve services to County residents. <br />(2) The proposed installment financing is preferable to a bond issue for the same <br />purposes. <br />As the elementary school will be a discrete facility, it is particularly suitable for installment <br />financing. The amounts to be financed for other County projects are relatively small, and it will <br />be cost-effective for the County to combine that financing with the larger school financing. As the <br />financings that are proposed to be refinanced are all installment financings, it is most appropriate <br />to carry out the refinancing as an installment financing. <br />The County has no meaningful ability to issue non-voted general obligation bonds for this <br />project, and the County has no previously-authorized bonds for these projects. The projects will <br />produce no revenues that could support a self-liquidating financing. The County expects that in <br />the current interest rate environment for municipal securities that there will be no substantial <br />difference in interest rates between general obligation bonds and installment financings for this <br />project. <br />The County maintains a balance in school construction financing between voter-approved <br />bonds, pay-as-you-go funding and installment financing, and the Board believes that under the <br />circumstances installment financing is the preferable vehicle for Elementary #11. <br />(3) The estimated sums to fall due under the proposed financing contract are <br />adequate and not excessive for the proposed purpose. The County will closely review proposed <br />financing rates against market rates with guidance from the LGC. All amounts financed will reflect <br />either approved contracts or previous actual expenditures. <br />(4) As confirmed by the County's Finance Officer, (i) the County's debt management <br />procedures and policies are sound and in compliance with law, and (ii) the County is not in <br />default under any of its debt service obligations. <br />