Orange County NC Website
together more as the funding decreases. <br />b. Public Hearinq on the Financinq for Chapel Hill-Carrboro Citv Schools Elementarv <br />#11 and Other Countv Capital Proiects and Refinancinq of Existinq Obliaations <br />The Board conducted a public hearing on the issuance of approximately $25.5 million in <br />alternative financing for Elementary School #11 for Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools, for other <br />County capital projects and to refinance existing obligations, and consideration of related <br />resolution supporting the County's application to the Local Government Commission for its <br />approval of the financing arrangements. <br />Director of Finance and Administrative Services Clarence Grier said that the purpose of <br />this is to listen to public comments for the issuance of approximately $25.5 million in alternative <br />financing for Elementary School #11 for Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools, issuing $3.3 million <br />of financing for other County capital projects, and to refinance existing obligations. The Local <br />Government Commission is in favor of the financing arrangement. This refinancing would result <br />in a debt service savings of approximately $3 million over the next 15 years. The final financial <br />plan will be brought back at the February 21S' meeting. The financial impact for the school and <br />the County projects is approximately $513,000 for the first fiscal year, 2013, and after that, it is <br />$1.75 million through 2021. The savings for the refinancing of $50 million is about $200,000 a <br />year over the next 20 years. <br />Commissioner Gordon clarified that the amount should be $21.5 million. This will be <br />changed in the resolution. <br />NO PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Resolution supporting an application to the Local Government Commission for <br />its approval of a financing agreement for the County - for Elementary School #11, for <br />other County capital projects and to refinance existing obligations <br />WHEREAS -- <br />Orange County has previously determined to carry out the acquisition and construction of a new <br />elementary school for the Chapel Hill - Carrboro school system, often referred to as "Elementary <br />#11," and to finance the costs of this project by the use of an installment financing, as authorized <br />under Section 160A-20 of the North Carolina General Statutes. <br />The Board of Commissioners has also determined to fund approximately $3,500,000 for <br />additional County capital projects, including approximately $3.0 million for improvements to solid <br />waste convenience centers and just over $500,000 for the purchase of three ambulances. <br />County staff has further advised the Board that because of generally low borrowing rates, the <br />County may be able to save money by refinancing a variety of the County's existing installment <br />financings. <br />The Board believes a single installment financing for the new school, the additional County <br />projects and to carry out refinancings would be in the County's best interest. <br />This financing will require approval from the North Carolina Local Government Commission. <br />Under the LGC's guidelines, this governing body must make certain findings of fact to support <br />the County's application to the LGC for its approval of the proposed financing arrangements. <br />