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Chair Brown said that the University has been trying to use their assets in helping communities <br />and this task farce would be objective. She thinks the task farce is a good way to develop the <br />information base that everyone has asked for without involving a lot of potentially conflicting <br />ideas and feelings. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the Board should not make any decisions until after all of the <br />public hearings. This is why he suggested February. He thinks that his proposal would help <br />them focus on something positive for the future of this County. A decision is going to have to be <br />made on these issues at some time; whether it will be them or some other Commissioners. <br />He said that the Countywide tax proposals would go a long way to address issues and would <br />make merger a moot point, but he was trying to address some issues in funding that are <br />broader than just equity in funding for the schools. He thinks that as long as there are two <br />school systems, there will always be competition for the capital dollar that is going to mean <br />inefficient use of school facilities. This is his personal opinion. He said that the Board of County <br />Commissioners will have to take some action on the recommendations of the task force. The <br />task force will not make the tough decisions. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would propose that the staff put together a recommendation <br />for the December 9th meeting, which would be after the public hearing. He thinks that the public <br />has felt a certain anxiety aver a decision being made before they have had an opportunity to <br />speak or get sufficient information. It would be a courtesy to the public to let them make <br />comments before the Board takes any kind of action. The Board could also invite the two <br />school boards to come to the meeting to hear the Board's conversation and to field questions <br />before making a decision. He said that there is almost nothing mentioned in his proposal that <br />has not already been discussed. It is not a question of springing something new on people. He <br />thinks that it is important to take some actions that will have some immediate affect. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks that it is important to digest the information, let the <br />public comment, and then try to make a decision. She does not want to lose sight of the need <br />to do something in the short term. She believes that we need to do something in the next <br />budget cycle for the OCS. She emphasized that merger would mean five times the tax rate that <br />she recommended for the first year of the Countywide supplemental tax. She wants to do <br />something by July 1, 2004 because even though people were either for or against merger, they <br />all want to do something far the children of the OCS. It is a large tax increase for the Orange <br />County School district that she is proposing, but the step has to be taken to reach the needed <br />funding. She is pushing for the County Commissioners to take a strong step by putting a <br />supplemental tax to a vote. This would not hurt the CHCCS. She wants to do something <br />concrete by July 1, 2004. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that all of the County Commissioners want to do something <br />concrete. He said that he does not want to engage in any more discussions or debates about <br />meaningless subjects. He made reference to the issue of collaboration when it was brought up <br />by Commissioner Jacobs a couple of years ago and a former school board member said that it <br />was merger. Now that merger has been suggested, we can use the word collaboration without <br />having a sinister plan. He thinks that we need to get beyond this and decide to do something. <br />He said that he has heard that people do not want merger and he heard a smaller group of <br />people that wants merger. He said that they need to look at how the school systems are <br />spending the money they are given right now. He said that he is supportive of a Countywide <br />supplemental tax, but he is not supportive of giving money out until the two school systems are <br />analyzed for efficiencies. He would like to see a reward system for people that find ways to <br />