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program, preferably in concert with Durham Technical College. <br />--A single alternative school program for students in both districts. <br />--A plan to allow students in each district to readily access courses and <br />programs not available in their district but offered in the county's other <br />school system. <br />-- A plan to institute regular meetings between the superintendents and <br />their respective staffs to examine areas of mutual educational interest and <br />potential cooperation, including an annual report to the public on their <br />progress at working together. <br />--A joint early-childhood program. <br />--An effort to expose parents in the CHCCS system to the features of the <br />OCS year-round schools at Hillsborough Elementary and Stanback Middle School. <br />--A strategy for promoting contacts between children in the respective <br />school systems on an ongoing basis beyond athletics {pen pals, joint <br />projects, etc.). <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that part of this process has been educational and this proposal is to <br />make some tangible, immediate steps and to do things that are within the Board's and the two <br />school boards' control. <br />Chair Brown said that her concern is education far our children and that this County is <br />committed to making both systems great. She found the public hearings to be exceptional. She <br />said that the County Commissioners have deliberated on this proposal very prudently and <br />slowly and were considering how it will affect the education that is provided in both school <br />systems. The County Commissioners know that these school programs that all people in <br />Orange County pay for are not accessed by all of the children of Orange County; and what may <br />be available in one system, may not be available in another. She wants to focus on <br />understanding what our school systems have and how all children in the County can use these <br />programs. Her proposal is as follows. <br />Proposal far consideration by the Orange County Board of Commissioners: <br />This proposal investigates the equal access of all Orange Co. children to all available <br />educational opportunities. The Commissioners should establish an Educational Excellence Task <br />Force by the end of this year 2003. <br />The Commissioners will ask former UNC systems' President William Friday, if he will chair the <br />Task Force and ask Madeleine Grumet, former Dean of the UNC School of Education and <br />currently UNC Professor of Education, to assist President Friday in the formation of this Task <br />Force. <br />Mission <br />The Task Farce's mission would be to provide a review of both Orange County school systems <br />(Orange County and Chapel Hill/Carrboro). It would investigate the educational resources <br />available in both school systems, make recommendations for improvement and how these <br />resources could become equally accessible to all Orange County students. The aim would be to <br />preserve and enhance the superior quality of education that we now have. <br />