Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Carey said that he thinks that this proposed task force will be significant and he <br />cannot argue with asking a group to look at this. But if we go that route then we need to ask the <br />task farce to include the social justice issue in how we do business with the schools. He said <br />that the civil rights issue is important to him and he apologizes to the public if they thought he <br />implied "racism" with the civil rights issue because that is not what he meant. Civil rights issues <br />ga way beyond race. He would like the group to look at this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this Board has looked at social justice issues and they are <br />viewed with a jaundiced eye by the rest of North Carolina. Orange County has taken leadership <br />in areas where others in the State are hesitant to even tread. He agreed to add the social <br />justice issue. He wants to be careful how things are labeled. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it is important to remember that the children an free ar reduced <br />lunches are on these because there are a lot of poor working parents in the County. He thinks <br />the County's track record is clear on social justice and the County has done a lot to try and <br />lower the incidence of poverty. There is still a lot of work to do. He said that unfortunately, <br />money does become important, especially if you are hungry. A hungry child does not learn very <br />well. <br />Chair Brown made reference to Commissioner Corey's proposal of February 12t" as a date for a <br />vote an merger. She said that this could be put as an agenda item for a vote. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he only picked this date because he knew there was a work <br />session scheduled. <br />Chair Brown suggested that the staff get more information on proposals for a supplemental tax <br />and delineate what is legal and haw Commissioner Cordon's proposal would work. She does <br />not understand how the per-pupil amounts would be allocated. <br />John Link suggested that as they consider the possibility of an educational excellence task <br />force, that one of the elements they could focus on is how a supplemental tax could add to the <br />sustainability and stability of funds for education. <br />Chair Brown said to please lay it out clearly and how these measures would work in the short <br />term. <br />John Link asked if the Board wanted this information for the December 9t" meeting ar by a later <br />date. The Board agreed to have as much information as possible for review by December Stn <br />Chair Brown reminded everyone that the next public hearing is on December 4tn <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adjourn <br />the meeting at 9:20 p.m. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Margaret W. Brown, Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />