Orange County NC Website
protection program which will be the responsibility of the Orange County Health <br />Department. <br />c. Person County shall not subcontract any of the services provided for in this Agreement <br />or to fulfill the requirements of the 514 AA without prior discussion and written <br />approval of Orange County Health Department. <br />d. Person County Health Department (Provider) shall hire and supervise a full-time Public <br />Health Nurse III as the Public Health Preparedness Coordinator. The Provider shall <br />inform Orange County Health Department (County) in the event of a resignation. <br />e. Provider will ensure that the PC has a cell phone. <br />f. Each health department will maintain office space for the PC that contains a telephone <br />and a desktop or laptop computer. <br />g. Each health department will ensure that the PC has access to county email systems and <br />electronic files sufficient to accomplish the deliverables. <br />h. Each health department will ensure that basic office supplies are available at each <br />location for the PC's use. <br />i. Each health department's finance officer will be responsible for submitting the financial <br />Electronic Monthly Report (EMR) to the Division of Public Health. <br />j. Each health department and county government will supply statistics and information as <br />required to complete the deliverables in this agreement and in the agreement addendas <br />specified by the NC Division of Public Health. <br />k. The health directors will hold monthly conference calls between health directors, the <br />PC, and other staff as determined by each health director for the purpose of coordinating <br />the accomplishment of deliverables. <br />1. Each health director and/or a health director designee, will make a minimum of one hour <br />a week available to the PC for a meeting. <br />m. Each health director will ensure that health department employees assist and support the <br />completion of the required and recommended training programs and other deliverables. <br />n. The PC will spend sufficient time in each county to ensure that the deliverables are <br />accomplished (an average of 2 and 1/2 days per week). <br />4. Duration of Services <br />a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. <br />b. Scheduling of Services. <br />i) The Provider shall schedule and perform his activities in a timely manner. <br />ii) Should the County determine that the Provider is behind schedule, it may require <br />the Provider to expedite and accelerate his efforts, including providing additional <br />resources and working overtime, as necessary, to perform his services in <br />accordance with the approved project schedule at no additional cost to the <br />County. <br />iii) The Commencement Date for the Provider's Basic Services shall be July 1, 2012. <br />5. Compensation <br />a. Compensation for Basic Services. Compensation for Basic Services shall include all <br />compensation due the Provider from the County for all services under this Agreement <br />except for any authorized Reimbursable Expenses which are defined herein. The <br />Revised March 2012 <br />3 <br />