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b D~Z fJ ~~p p Z.~ ~~~ <br />1~2 - 1 p-~.a o Z- <br />m. Telecommunication Tower Ordinance Amendments ~ m <br />The Board considered amendments to the County's telecommunications tower ordinance. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the salmon colored paper with her questions and <br />the answers from Craig Benedict. Three of the questions led to three proposed changes. The first <br />suggested change is on page 24 regarding the signs for the balloon test. She suggested that the <br />minimum size of the sign be no less than four square feet giving the proposed dates, times, and <br />locations of the balloon test. The other change was number five on the salmon sheet (page 40) and the <br />definition of commercially impracticable, which means that a telecommunication tower has to be <br />functional from two standpoints, one being the coverage area and the other being the number of users <br />related to the tower. This can be read into the record, if the Board agrees with it. Also, she made <br />reference to page 29a, the table of permitted uses. She wanted to make sure the Board realized that <br />towers greater than 150 feet (up to 200 feet) would go to the Board of Adjustment if there were four co- <br />locators on the tower. This is a major incentive. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to p17a where telecommunication towers 150 feet in <br />height or shorter indicates no particular co-location, but they still get a class B special use permit. He <br />asked where the incentive was. Craig Benedict said that the ordinance still does promote co-location <br />justification criteria in the normal process. In p17c, it is a procedural incentive. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked what would happen if the tower was 201 feet. Craig Benedict <br />said that it would be a class A special use permit. Commissioner Jacobs asked if that was clear from <br />this. Geoff Gledhill pointed out p17c, which says, "greater than 150 feet." <br />Craig Benedict said that they could add some language under p17c to say, "and towers 200 <br />feet and greater, regardless of the number of carriers." <br />Commissioner Gordon would like for the County Commissioners to consider everything that is <br />150 feet and more and see how it goes. She said that the extra 50 feet means a lot in terms of the <br />impact on the community. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the telecommunication ordinance as revised by the Planning Board with the amendments as <br />made above by Commissioner Gordon, and the change that if a tower is 150 feet in height or shorter, it <br />is a class B special use permit, and if it is greater than 150 feet in height, it is a class A special use <br />permit. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked what the process incentive was for someone to have four <br />carriers. Commissioner Gordon said that it would take out the process incentive and it would allow the <br />County Commissioners to decide on towers more than 150 feet. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1(Commissioner Carey) <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Schools Adequate Facilities Memorandum of Understandinq <br />The Board considered approving a proposed School Adequate Public Facilities memorandum <br />of understanding (MOU) and considered confirming the future intention to adopt a model ordinance <br />(SAPFO). <br />Craig Benedict pointed out the revised abstract (lavender). There has been an extensive <br />amount of input from every jurisdiction and every perspective. <br />Orange County is in a different position from the majority of the other participants because <br />we have development permit authority in the Orange County School district and in the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro School district. When Orange County passes the MOU and the ordinance, it will be clear that <br />the development process will have certain specific aspects. Staff is asking that the County <br />Commissioners approve the MOU for the two school districts with the addendums noted in the abstract. <br />One addendum to the MOU was a clause from the Town of Carrboro that asked that when the projection <br />numbers come out of the Planners/School Representatives Technical Advisory Committee, that they are <br />distributed as soon as possible for comment and input by the local governments and parties to the local <br />agreement. The Town of Carrboro also asks that they remain involved in the program as long as the <br />County Commissioners continue to adequately fund the CtP. In the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School district <br />at this time, there are no capacity problems that would cause an instant moratorium. So the level of <br />