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14 <br />d) All sites specified in the Plan shall be deemed permitted sites for <br />the construction of telecommunications towers without the <br />necessity of further public hearing. For those sites specified on <br />the Plan which are on property owned or controlled by the <br />County (regardless of zoning classification), the applicant shall, <br />prior to seeking a Building Permit for such use, negotiate and <br />execute a lease agreement with the County for such site upon <br />terms and conditions which are acceptable to the County. <br />e) Withdrawal from the Plan. Withdrawal from the Plan is permitted <br />by submitting a notarized statement requesting withdrawal from <br />the Plan <br />Section 8. (Pages 8-21 to 8-24) Amend Section 8.8.17a to read as follows: <br />8.8.17a Telecommunications towers <br />Overall Policy and Desired Goals for Special Use Permits for <br />Telecommunications towers. Promoting and encouraging, wherever possible, <br />alternatives to constructing new towers, including but not limited to the co- <br />location of wireless telecommunications equipment and mitigating the visual <br />effect of a telecommunication tower to an extent not commercially Impracticable; <br />promoting and encouraging, wherever possible, the placement, height and <br />quantity of wireless telecommunications towers and equipment in such a manner, <br />including but not limited to the use of stealth technology or camouflage <br />techniques, to minimize adverse aesthetic and visual impacts on the land, <br />property, buildings, and other facilities adjacent to, surrounding, and in generally <br />the same area as the requested location of such telecommunications towers, <br />which shall mean using the least visually and physically intrusive facility that is <br />not technologically or commercially impracticable under the facts and <br />circumstances. <br />8.8.17a.1 Definitions <br />Words, terms and phrases, when used in this Section, shall have the meanings <br />ascribed to them as in Section 6.18. <br />8.8.17a.1a Additionallnformation <br />In addition to the information required in Subsections 6.18.4, 8.2 and 8.8, the <br />following shall be submitted as part of the application. <br />a) A Site Plan showing the entire site (including property boundary lines) <br />and size of all existing structures within 500 feet of the site, existing and <br />proposed structures on site, the fall zone of the tower, existing and <br />proposed topography at a contour interval of five feet and any officially <br />designated floodways and floodplains, or the presence of alluvial soils. <br />b) Plans, and elevations for all proposed structures and descriptions of the <br />color and nature of all exterior material. <br />