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no computers in the OCS and they are going to have to shift the equipment from CHCCS to <br />OCS. He added that this is not a lot of work to do. <br />Chair Brown said that their joint meeting with the Town of Hillsborough Board was <br />interesting and successful. Both Planning staffs agreed to bring forward in the spring some <br />documents about creating a different water and sewer boundary with a rural buffer. She is also <br />interested in the transportation issue. She said that she and Commissioner Jacobs met with <br />Mayor Foy and others to look at the future as to what the public transportation needs are going <br />to be for the southern end of the County. One of the main things they discussed was <br />information about how many children actually ride buses. This number has dropped over the <br />past few years. They also discussed the idea of informing children about public transportation <br />and how it affects them and how they can use public transportation. There are approximately <br />500 students per high school that drive to school. <br />Chair Brawn referred to the gray sheet and said that she also got a call from Sharon <br />Cook about farming a joint citizens group to address the Homestead Road traffic issues at the <br />high school. This is also strongly supported by the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. She <br />asked Commissioner Gordon if she was interested in leading this process. Commissioner <br />Gordon asked staff to develop a proposal to send to other jurisdictions for approval. She would <br />like to see this on the November 18th meeting to adopt a proposal. <br />Commissioner Gordan agreed to take the lead, but she wants the staff to draft the <br />proposal first. <br />Commissioner Jacobs painted out that there is some commonality on this issue and <br />transportation issues at the third high school. There was some discussion at the meeting with <br />Chapel Hill about the idea of trying to deal with multi-modal opportunities at all schools in the <br />County. <br />John Link said that the night Sharon Cook came to speak there was emphasis placed <br />on law enforcement -Sheriff and/or Town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro -and that something be <br />done more immediately. <br />Chair Brawn said that the Sheriff responded to this within the next four days with <br />deputies. The Sheriff was going to come back with a report. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that law enforcement should be represented in this group. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />John Link said the town clock in Hillsborough would be operational by this Friday. This <br />is a culmination of two years of work with the Town, the County, and the Historical Alliance of <br />Hillsborough. <br />5. RESOLUTIONS OR PROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Hospice and Home Care Month <br />The Board considered a proclamation designating November 2003 as "Hospice and <br />Home Care Month" in Orange County and authorizing the Chair to sign the proclamation. <br />Development Director at Duke Health Community Care Helen Poole said that home <br />care services help people to gain a level of independence and their hospice services help <br />people die with dignity. She thanked the Board for this consideration. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs <br />to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation as stated below: <br />HOSPICE AND HOME CARE MONTH <br />NOVEMBER 2003 <br />