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Commissioner Jacobs wants to learn more about traffic control at schools. He tried to <br />drive around Grady Brown Elementary and Cedar Ridge High School in the morning, and it was <br />gridlocked. He asked what the Sheriff's Deputies roles were in this. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the infrastructure of the roads is totally inadequate for <br />the amount of traffic. There is the same problem in front of A. L. Stanback. At Grady Brawn, <br />parents are actually lining up in the middle lane. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there needs to be discussion about whether the <br />unlimited open-ended access is the best solution at schools. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the joint meeting last week with the Town of <br />Hillsborough and the issue of Fairview Park. He was disheartened that nothing has happened <br />in six months. It strikes him that this is a community that does not know how to play the political <br />game. He would like to have the Manager bring back a plan of who is going to do what and <br />when. The Managers, Public Works Directors, Salid Waste staff, County Engineer, and <br />Recreation and Parks staff need to get together and come up with a plan. He said that the <br />Fairview community is upset about the delay. <br />John Link said that he spoke to staff in Hillsborough today about moving forward with <br />this project. Part of the process is that Hillsborough needs to determine the scope and location <br />of their Public Works facility. He has contacted Environment and Resource Conservation <br />Director Dave Stancil and they are moving forward. <br />Commissioner Jacobs congratulated the people who were elected or re-elected last <br />night. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to her handouts. The deep pink has to do with <br />item 6-b, the Progress Report on Housing Bond Expenditures. The light pink has to do with <br />item 8-a, and is clarifications to the August 19th regular meeting and October 16th public hearing. <br />There is also a gray sheet from the Assembly of Governments meeting. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that Sharon Cook called her today and she wanted to ask <br />how the Homestead Road and High School Road committee forming was going and where it <br />stands. She would like to see this proceed forward and get the committee going. <br />Commissioner Gordan made reference to the Triangle Transit Authority, and she <br />passed around the State and Federal Legislative Action Plan and the Regional Bus Service <br />Standards. Copies are available. <br />Commissioner Gordon said several County Commissioners went to the Rashkis <br />Elementary grand opening along with Chair Brown, who made remarks. She recognized <br />Commissioner Halkiotis, who helped design the school. She said that Mr. and Mrs. Rashkis <br />were there and were honored. She was interested in the essays from the students. <br />Commissioner Gordon congratulated winners of elections from Chapel Hill, Carrboro, <br />Hillsborough, and the school board. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for a report on the dysfunctions of the computer reporting <br />from the election. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis also congratulated the people who ran for office and the <br />winners. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked the Sheriff or the Manager to do a fallow-up letter about <br />traffic enforcement along US 70-A. He has not seen any enforcement yet. Also, work seems to <br />have ceased on the flashing light that was supposed to go up. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked to have in the agenda packets next week at the work <br />session some information that he requested a couple of weeks ago in regards to names and job <br />titles of all non-teaching employees in both school systems. He has heard comments made at <br />the public hearings that the central office staffs of both school systems were the same. He does <br />not believe this is true. He wants the names and the job titles. He wants to know if they are <br />regular or contract employees. Also, he would like to know how many network-able computers <br />are at each school. There are parents in CHCCS who are under the assumption that there are <br />