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a. The use of the attached Growth Management System Map {Option 1 presented at <br />the August 25th Joint Public Hearing} far designating "Urban and Rural Designated" areas; and <br />b. In the Rural Designation area, a Planned Development zoning amendment <br />requirement for all subdivisions containing greater than 40 lots. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Legal Advertisement for November 24, 2003 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />The Board considered authorization to submit the Quarterly Public Hearing Legal <br />Advertisement for publication for the November 24, 2003 quarterly public hearing. <br />Craig Benedict reviewed the items for the advertisement as outlined in the agenda <br />abstract. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the State Employees' Credit Union and whether <br />they are going to preserve the trees located there. She also asked about the text amendments <br />and what things are going to go in the Class A. designation. <br />Craig Benedict said that the standards for schools were discussed briefly at the <br />August 25th public hearing and the Planning Department is making some final revisions on those <br />special use standards that are unique to schools. These standards are expected to come back <br />on the next agenda {November 1$th> or in early December. He said that these standards would <br />apply to other zoning districts besides just the EDD district for which they have a Class A <br />designation now. As discussed at the public hearing, these standards look good and that <br />wherever schools are built, we should use these standards. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if these needed to go back to a public hearing. <br />Craig Benedict said that the standards have been discussed and he believes they <br />can be a part of the County's adoption process without having to go back to a public hearing. <br />He said that the only thing that they will have to take back to a public hearing is if we want to <br />apply those upcoming standards to other districts, and that is what this public hearing will be <br />about. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about smart growth standards. Craig Benedict said <br />that smart growth standards would not be a part of their special use standards, but that they <br />would be a part of a policy document that has to do with school capital funding. He said that <br />they have the policy and they think some of the smart growth passages are more of a capital <br />funding issue rather than a regulatory special use standard. He said that growth management <br />could be incorporated in the policy, such as ideas about providing environmental lands within <br />the property. Craig Benedict said that the would check with the county attorney regarding the <br />need to go back to public hearing again, but feels that it will not be necessary. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would be comfortable with the Planning <br />Department and the County Attorney getting together and deciding whether there needs to be <br />further recommendations that would need another public hearing item at our February quarterly <br />public hearing. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the credit union and if the EDD standards {such <br />as the no drive-thrus) that were worked on with the Town of Hillsborough would apply in the <br />area of expansion far the State Employees Credit Union. <br />Craig Benedict said yes and that the Credit Union wants to shift some of their <br />existing facilities, enlarge the existing buildings, create a remote drive-thru teller station, and <br />add a fifth lane {approximately 50°~ of the amount of drive-thru over what currently exists). <br />Commissioner Jacobs commented about the changes in the telecommunications <br />towers ordinance which he has heard has been helpful to the Board of Adjustment in that they <br />have been able to da came closer detail work and to have a better understanding of what the <br />possibilities are. <br />Craig Benedict stated that a report about what has occurred and a generic briefing <br />on what the Class A process will be for towers would be available sometime in 2004. <br />