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VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Growth Management System -Amendments to Zoning and Subdivision <br />Ordinances <br />The Board considered closing the Public Hearing and making a decision on the <br />proposed Growth Management Amendments to the County's Zoning and Subdivision <br />Ordinances, a proposal which would require major subdivisions of property to follow either the <br />current process, a Planned Development process, or a Class A Special Use Permit process <br />depending upon location, (which is a product of transition areas and water and sewer <br />availability) and number of lots. <br />The Planning Board, by majority vote (8-1, See Draft Minutes, Attachment 8) on <br />September 3, 2003, recommended that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approve <br />the proposed Growth Management System amendments with the following specifications: a. <br />The use of the attached map (Option 1 presented at the August 25th Joint Public Hearing} for <br />designating Urban and Rural areas; and b. In the Rural Designation area, a Planned <br />Development zoning amendment requirement for all subdivisions containing 20 or more lots <br />(versus greater than 40 lots as proposed by Administration}. <br />The Administration recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve <br />the proposed Growth Management System amendments with the following specifications: a. <br />The use of the attached Growth Management System Map (Option 1 presented at the August <br />25th Joint Public Hearing) for designating "Urban and Rural Designated" areas; and b. In the <br />Rural Designation area, a Planned Development zoning amendment requirement for all <br />subdivisions containing greater than 40 lots. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict gave a PawerPaint presentation. He gave the <br />background of this item. He showed a map that differentiated two sections of the County -rural <br />and urban. The proposal is that there would be a different set of subdivision rules for each of <br />the two sections. The proposed regulations would apply to subdivisions that have not yet been <br />submitted for County Commissioner review. The regulations would also not apply to exempt <br />subdivisions that are not regulated by the County Planning Department. <br />He explained the recommendations as stated above. He said that the reason <br />Administration at this time did not recommend a 20-lot versus the 40-lot standard is that the <br />public hearing in August was advertised at the 40-lot threshold. If the Board wants to do <br />something different, the Administration recommends that the Board adopt the new standards <br />tonight and the staff can bring back a different standard through a new public hearing process. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there is a provision of a density bonus if you cluster <br />a development. Craig Benedict said that if you provide more than the minimum amount of open <br />space by clustering, more than 33°~, then there is a density bonus. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that an affordable housing component is not addressed. <br />He asked if there was some way to have a review to promote the thinking about affordable <br />housing. Craig Benedict said that he would work with the Manager about how affordable <br />housing can enter the framework of review. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked that this be forwarded to the Hillsborough Town Board <br />with an explanation that this is the standard that Orange County intends to hold. He would like <br />to encourage Hillsborough to at least examine these criteria. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs <br />to close the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />to accept the Administration recommendation to approve the proposed Growth Management <br />System amendments with the following specifications: <br />