Orange County NC Website
6.3 TI-~ F01tECOnvG W,vtRArr'[7 IS FxCLUSIVE Arm IN LIEU OF AI.I.OTHEx WAxRA1vT~'s, WHETI~R <br />WRITTEN, ORAL, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, WCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY. <br />TRC DOES NOT WARRANT ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OF OTHERS DESIGNATED BY ORANGE <br />COUNTY. <br />ARTICLE 7. INSURANCE <br />7.1 TRC will procure and maintain insurance as described below. At a minimum, TRC will have the <br />following coverage: <br />(1) Worker's compensation and occupational disease insurance in statutory amounts. <br />(2) Employer's liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000. <br />(3) Automobile liability in the amount of $1,000,000. <br />(4) General comprehensive liability insurance for bodily injury, death or loss of or damage to <br />property of third persons in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 in the <br />aggregate. <br />ARTICLE 8. INDEM1vITY <br />8.1 TRC shall hold harmless and indemnify Orange County to the extent of their proportionate <br />responsibility therefore, from any claims, demands, expenses or liabilities caused or alleged to have <br />been caused by injury to, or death of, personnel and damage to third-party property, properly and <br />reasonably incurred in connection with defending any claim arising out of the negligent acts or <br />omissions of TRC in performance of the TRC' S work under this Agreement. To the extent of the <br />law and insurance policies owned by Orange County, Orange County shall hold hannless and <br />indemnify TRC to the extent of their proportionate responsibility therefore, from any claims, <br />demands, expenses or liabilities caused or alleged to have been caused by injury to, or death of, <br />personnel and damage to third-party property, properly and reasonably incurred in connection with <br />defending any claim arising out the negligent acts or omissions of Orange County as it respects <br />TRC's work under this agreement. Nothing herein shall be construed to mean that either TRC or <br />Orange County shall hold harmless and indemnify the other from claims, demands, expenses or <br />liabilities arising out of any acts or omissions of the respective officers, agents or employees. <br />ARTICLE 9. ALLOCATION OF RISK <br />9.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the total liability in the aggregate of TRC and its employees, <br />subcontractors or suppliers to Orange County and anyone claiming by, through or under Orange <br />County on all claims of any kind (excluding claims for death or bodily injury) arising out of or in <br />any way related to TRC'S services, or from any cause or causes whatscever, including but not <br />limited to negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, indemnity or breach of contract, shall not <br />exceed the compensation received by TRC for the task order upon which such liability is based, or <br />the ma~cimum amount of TRC'S insurance coverage, whichever is greater. All such liability shall <br />terminate on the expiration date of the warranty period specified in Article 6. <br />9.2 In no event, whether in contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or <br />otherwise shall TRC, its employees, subcontractors or suppliers be liable for: loss of profits or <br />revenue; loss of use of any equipment or facilities; cost of capital; cost of pwchased power; cost of <br />OIGL+N-T&C.DOC <br />Paee 4 of 7 <br />