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There are three alternatives -individualized private well and septic, community private well <br />system, and public water and sewer system. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked how many private utility systems were still operating in <br />Orange County since the failure of the Piney Mountain private utility. Craig Benedict said <br />Wane for the County. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would not approve anything that has to do with a <br />private sewer utility. <br />Michael Gering asked if the County could help Hillsborough define boundaries for growth. <br />There is a vague line around the town at this time and they have said that they would <br />prioritize much lower the development that occurred outside of this line, even if there was <br />capacity to serve water and sewer beyond the boundary. This development is outside the <br />boundary. He said that this is a dilemma. <br />Mark Sheridan said that both boards need to look at what is viable and what will be best for <br />the overall community. <br />Eric Peterson said that they have discussed this in the past and they would rather provide <br />new water sources to areas that could potentially be annexed and there would be a dual <br />benefit. <br />Chair Brawn said that the County has worked on water and sewer boundaries with Chapel <br />Hill, Carrboro, and OWASA. This arrangement has worked well. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought that Hillsborough did not want a differentiation <br />between the primary and secondary area. County Attorney Geof Gledhill said that is right <br />and that Hillsborough wanted a 2050 plan and wanted this to be in their service area. <br />Chair Brawn asked Craig Benedict about working with the Town on a rural buffer. Craig <br />Benedict said that part of it is in the Town's hands at this time -the study of the strategic <br />growth plan. When that is updated, the County will look at the transition areas (fringe <br />areas}. If Hillsborough cannot service all of the transition areas, then they will have to be <br />made smaller. <br />Chair Brown asked about a timeframe for a proposal. Craig Benedict said in the next two to <br />three months. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she was not aware that the County was working cooperatively <br />with this area at the staff level. <br />Craig Benedict said that in the May meeting they discussed the possibility of annexation <br />coming down to the rural buffer. There could be an annexation agreement to seal the <br />northern portion of the rural buffer. <br />Chair Brown asked if there would be a document in the spring and Craig Benedict said yes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that they just renewed the agreement with Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro for another 25 years and there is a de facto buffer to the west now with the Town <br />of Hillsborough. <br />